Check-up (26)

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Sorry for spelling and grammar

Izuku showed up in front of the receptionist, making her jump back.

"My god Izuku." The receptionist said, catching her breath. "Okay, you need to stop scaring me like that."

"You just need to get more used to it." Izuku said back with a shrug. "This is gonna be a normal session this time right?"

"Well you are in the normal room, not the room from last time. So it should be fine. Sorry for not warning you last time, but it wouldn't have happened if it did." The receptionist told him.

"Yea I understand. I already know Sadato will probably want to talk about last session anyways."

"Well, go have fun."

"This is therapy, I don't think fun is the right word."

"Well I also don't think it's appropriate to say 'go and get mentally better'."

"What do you mean, that's sounds so much better."

"Oh stop stalling and get to your session." The receptionist chuckled. Izuku just chuckled with her and walked to the room. He opened the door and saw Sadato fall over out of his chair.

"Uhm. Are you okay?" Izuku asked.

"Not really, but this session isn't about my pain. It's about yours." Sadato said, standing up and returning to his desk.

"How did you even fall?" Izuku asked, taking his own seat.

"No reason."

"That's not how you respond to that type of question."

"Moving on." Sadato started. "I'm sorry for last session. I went to far but it was needed to see more of your mental state. I'm sorry I lied to you though."

"It's fine. Obviously I was pissed off at first, but I understand why you did it now. Besides. I was able to let out a lot of anger in that room. Which was much needed. So it all worked out."

"Well, that's good. I was worried you'd hate me."

"I know you meant well, so it's fine."

"Thanks." Sadato said. "Well, moving on. How have all your relationships been?"

"Me and Bakugo's relationship hasn't changed, I just think he's gonna try harder to beat me. So pretty much nothing changed. The relationship with the Bakugo's still haven't changed. My friend group has developed some. I think it's just we all feel closer, so that's nice."

"How's your girlfriend been?" Sadato asked.

"Well that was straightforward." Izuku said with a chuckle.

"Ha ha, yea good point. Sorry about that."

"No it's fine. Also she's doing good. We try to hang out every day, and if we can't we at least text and call. I really do love her."

"That's good. I can tell that you are truly happy when you simply talk about her. It seems like nothing else matters when you are talking about her. I'm glad you found someone who's able to do that."

"Yea, so am I."

"One more smaller question, how has school been? We haven't seen each other since the sports festival since I didn't make an appointment last Sunday. So how has school been going?"

"Mostly the same." Izuku started. "I'm not stressed out by school. There is no one being an ass. And they just seem back to how they were before my coma."

"That's good. And leads into the next question. Do you believe winning the sports festival truly helped your reputation."

"Definitely. When I walked into the center of that arena I could tell everyone was looking at me. I couldn't tell if it was pity but it was at least an emotion close to pity. But before I passed out I got a good look at everyone, and I believe there was not a single person there who still pitted me."

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