Turning Up The Temperature (48)

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Sorry for spelling and grammar

Izuku's eyes slowly opened as the sunset shone through his window. He went to get up but felt something stopping him. He looked down and saw Jirou laying down on top of him still asleep. Izuku continued to lay there for a few moments before carefully moving and letting her lay in the bed. He quietly opened the door and left his room.

While walking to the elevator he heard something coming from the first floor. He sighed, mentally preparing himself for his classes' nonsense. He walked into the elevator and let it take him down, the noise getting louder as the elevator moved. The door cracked open, and noise overtook his ears. Concerned yelling, yet no students running around like chickens. He walked closer to the noise till he arrived in the living room. He looked as half the class was gathered around Todoroki who seemed half dead, while the rest of the class was screaming at the tv.

"What's going on?" Izuku asked, a few people looking towards him. Bakugo stared at him for a moment before snapping out of it and pointing at the tv. Izuku looked over and froze, the new number one hero endeavor, bloodied and seemingly dead with a nomu standing over him. All the noise slowly seemed to get quieter as he stared at the tv. His eyes refused to look away, the blood splattered everywhere as the nomu looked around.

The blood seemed to spread everywhere.

The blood on the nomu.

The blood running down the concrete.

The blood covering the tv.

The blood covering his classmates.

The blood covering Bakugo.

The blood was everywhere.

And it was coming for him.

A hand laid on his shoulder suddenly, making Izuku blink and the red leaving everywhere besides what was running down endeavors body.

"Izuku, are you alright?" Izuku looked to his side and Aizawa stood there, a worried expression on his face. Izuku didn't respond and just vanished in front of Aizawa.

Izuku looked down at the floor after teleporting away, gripping his swords hard as he picked them up and put them on his back. He bit at his stitches as he teleported again, into the city.

He looked around and saw multiple nomu's attacking citizens, hawks seemingly split between helping the civilians or going after the nomu that took down endeavor. Izuku wasted no time and jumped at the nearest nomu, slicing its head off as a weird blue blood splattered onto his shirt.

All the nomu's turned towards him and attacked. Izuku sent his chain out towards one of them, wrapping it around the nomu's neck before pulling it towards him. The nomu got closer as one of the others followed behind it. Izuku covered his fist in fire as he brought it back, putting his fists through the nomu when close enough. The fire launched from his fist and covered the other nomu's head, burning it to a crisp as its body fell.

Izuku looked around him, counting thirteen nomu's left. Before that he felt a wave of heat, looking back and just barely seeing endeavor flying towards the bigger nomu. He focused back on his problem as three of the nomu approached him. Izuku covered his sword in flames and swung at the three of them, the wall of flame burning two while the other kept running towards him. Izuku bit at his stitches lightly, tasting a bit of his metallic blood as he charged at the nomu. It swung its arm at him, but he dodged it and jumped onto the nomu's shoulders before grabbing its exposed brain and ripping it out.

He stood there for a second before hearing something above him. He jumped to the side and watched as a nomu with its arm replaced with a blade cut into the dead nomu's body. It tried to get its arm out but failed as it thrashed about. More nomu's charged behind it, coming towards Izuku. He jumped at the stuck nomu and stabbed it in the head, killing it. He grabbed its body and lifted it, pulling its arm out of the others body, he then swung the body at the approaching nomu's. The body flew at one of them as its bladed arm stabbed through its throat. The other nomu continued towards Izuku as he covered his hand in fire. He jumped at the nomu and shoved his hand through its chest. He moved his arm more before grabbing something hard. He pulled his arm back towards him as the nomu screeched as its head pulled back, before it stopped and Izuku had its spine in his hand. Izuku gripped it harder as he teleported behind one of the other nomu's. He jumped onto its back and wrapped the spine around its neck, pulling as hard as he could until it went through its neck and cut off its head.

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