Raid (34)

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Sorry for spelling and grammar

"Okay Jirou, I'm sorry to end this abruptly but the raid is starting soon. I want to see what hero's are here so I can try to make a plan. I'll call you after the raid if I'm not unconscious." Izuku told Jirou.

"If you are unconscious it better not be because of injuries or I'll knock you unconscious a second time." Jirou said back.

"I will try my hardest. Alright gotta go, love you." Izuku didn't wait for her to say it back as he hung up. He opened the door to the meeting room and walked in. Tokoyami walked up to him as he entered.

"Hey. So how's Jirou doing?" He asked.

"Good, why do you ask." Izuku asked back.

"Just wondering. Plus I'm very bored. I understand we're about to do a god damn raid but I am very bored." Tokoyami said as he slightly yawned. Izuku chuckled as he looked at him.

"Aizawa affected you a bit to much." He joked.

"Probably. I do really want some coffee right now so I wouldn't be surprised if he did rub off on me." Tokoyami said back. "Anyways, I don't know many of the people here. What about you?"

"Well I know most. There's edgeshot but you probably saw him. We have miruko here as well which I'm surprised they got her to come and help. We have fat gum, some kind of water hero, snipe, and a bunch of randoms." Izuku told him.

"I guess we'll see how this goes." Tokoyami said with another yawn. Kamui woods came into the room and walked to the front of everyone.

"Attention!" He shouted out making the hero's looks towards him. "The raid will be starting in fifteen minutes and from what I know we don't have too much knowledge about what were raiding. So I'd like for the three underground hero's to tell us about everything before we even try to attack them."

Izuku and Tokoyami looked over to Aizawa who was being stared at by everyone. He closed his eyes and sighed before looking at the two of them. "Izuku do you mind telling them?"

Everyone then stared at izuku who Also let out a sigh. "Sure." He teleported next to kamui woods as kamui walked off. Izuku looked out at everyone and took a deep breathe. "Over the past few days me, Aizawa, and a fellow hero in training Tokoyami have been investigating the organization known as the Bleeding Birds.

On our first night of patrol this week there was a police announcement asking for a few underground hero's. We went and were told about this organization, or at least the little bit of information they had then. After we left we were soon attacked by three members of this organization. We were able to get a little information out of one of them and were told that there is an ex member of the organization in the city.

The next morning I took a look around the city and found some more info. I saw a member of the organization giving a man a case and the man paid him a few hundred for it. I knocked out the man who paid for the case and turned it into the police. I followed the other man until he went into a bar. I used my ability to sense all heat and focused on his body heat. He had gone in, but then started going underground at a significant speed.

That night we went and found the ex member. He told us as much information as he knew before we got attacked. It was by two people who were known as the Horror Duo. We were able to defeat one but the other got away.

The next morning the one that got away found us and started attacking us. The entire day it was as if he had a tracker on us because there was no where he wouldn't find us.

That night we investigated the bar. I took down the man who was chasing us and we found their hideout underground. I have a recording of what we witnessed but we don't have time to show you it, I would also never like to see that again. But what you need to know is that they made a special drug and the little we know of their leader.

When the drug is inhaled the person who took it will listen to whatever the leader says. In this instance he asked her to preform surgery on herself to take out a few key parts of a humans survival. She did so and was then killed afterwards. So from our observations the drug is able to hypnotize people, but they aren't conscious and are in REM sleep while the drug is active.

There's only two things that we know about their leader. One is that we deducted by looking at his mask that he works with the yakuza. Second is his quirk. We are not sure what it is but we got a good look at it when he used it on a scientist. Some kind of green particles came out and he sprayed the scientist which caused him to collapse. We don't know if it killed him or if it was simply knock out gas but either way we still don't know the extent of his quirk.

Any questions?"

A few hands went up so Izuku answered best he could as they waited for the raid to start.

Soon enough Aki came in. He went up to the stage Izuku was on to announce some stuff. Izuku walked off but before he passed Aki and grabbed his shoulder.

"You tell a single lie up there and I will kill you and take over this raid myself."

Izuku walked away as Aki stood there for a moment. He took a deep breath and walked over to the stand and started speaking. Izuku walked over to Aizawa and Tokoyami as Aki continued to talk.

"What did you say to him." Aizawa asked.

"Nothing much. Just that he better not mess up the explanation." Izuku said with a smirk under his mask. After a while Aki had finished and everyone was riled up and ready to fight. Izuku put his hand up as Aki asked what he wanted.

"So how are we getting into the base? Are we having some hero with a drill quirk drill take us down into it or are we taking the elevator?"

30 minutes later

One of the scientists sat down on the ground as he took his break. He laid down and looked at the ceiling of their base as he suddenly heard something. The roof suddenly started falling and landed right on him, killing Him. Izuku and the rest of the hero's stood on the ceiling that fell.

"I can't believe we actually had a hero with a drill quirk." Izuku laughed.

"It's called transformation!" A hero called out as his arms transformed into swords.

"Let's just do this!" Aizawa yelled out as they all charged towards the group. Izuku threw his chain out and wrapped a man up as Tokoyami used dark shadow to clap the man on both sides of the head, disorienting him, as Izuku punched him to knock him out. Aizawa jumped onto a man's shoulder and brought him down onto his head knocking him out.

Aizawa, Tokoyami, and Izuku charged forward towards a large door. 5 henchmen landed in front of them but snipe shot all of them in the knees. Izuku and Aizawa knee'd the two on the sides, Tokoyami punched the one in the middle, and dark shadow grabbed and crushed the last twos arms. Another few arrived but fat gum came from above and crushed them like a cartoon. A big guy punched fat gum away and went to fight him. The three kept running forward until they finally got to the door.

"Izuku. Is he in there?" Aizawa asked. Izukus eyes changed slightly as he nodded before they went back to normal. "Then let's do this."

Dark shadow came out as it bust down the door. The three of them looked forward as the man from yesterday stood looking down at the table in front of him.

"You all came a little bit to early then my liking, but, I suppose it's fine. I can change my schedule a little bit." The man said as he turned around. "The names Leski Norma. Pleasure to meet you all."

"Shut up." Tokoyami said as dark shadow surrounded him and he blitzed forward. He went to grab him but Leski had a force field surround him. He took his mask off as the force field dropped and he sprayed some kind of gas at Tokoyami. It got in his eyes so he couldn't see. Leski brought out a vial of the red powder and blew it towards Tokoyami as he inhaled it.

"Tokoyami!" Izuku yelled out.

"That's all I needed to know." Leski said. Tokoyami stopped struggling and was now put under. "Tokoyami, attack your colleagues."

1526 words.

Sorry if the last bit of it was pretty lazy I was just trying to get it done.

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