Brothers battle (23)

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Sorry for spelling and grammar.

Also even though I'm mostly late with this, this is technically the 2k special so I wanna thank you all again for this achievement. And enjoy the fight.

Izuku appeared behind Bakugo and tried to kick him, but Bakugo faced his palm towards him and sent an explosion at him. The heat did nothing, but the force of Bakugo's explosion seemed more powerful than usual. Izuku stayed a bit far away from Bakugo.

"What's the matter, to scared to fight!" Bakugo shouted launching himself forward as he went to kick izuku.

"No," Izuku answered ducking under Bakugo's attack. "Trying to figure out what your plan is."

"How do you know I even have one." Bakugo said launching an explosion at izuku. Bakugo was to far for the force to be any good, and the heat didn't affect him so Izuku stood there. He looked at Bakugo who turned on one for all.

"35%" he whispered before he started running circles around Izuku.

"Why is he doing all of this extra stuff?" Izuku thought. Bakugo appeared next to Izuku and went to punch. Izuku caught it and went for his own punch but he used his other hand to blast himself away, which also blew Izuku back a few yards. "Now I get it. That one up close attack let me see him better. His body is just about shinning because of the sweat, so he's trying to build up as much sweat as possible for a big attack. Not gonna happen."

Bakugo continued to circle Izuku, watching as he stood there. Bakugo skidded to a stop to launch at izuku again, but then he felt a sting on his check. He stopped and saw it. Izuku sent out his chain, and the kunai had cut his check. Blood started trickling down his check as the sting turned into a burn. Bakugo was about to start circling him again, but before that could happen Izuku ran up and punched him in the jaw. Bakugo flew back a bit before whipping right back around and heading straight for Izuku. Bakugo put his palm out to explode Izuku, yet Izuku didn't move. Bakugo sent it out but Izuku just took it. He grabbed Bakugo's hand and slammed him into the ground, enduring the blast he got hit with. Izuku pinned Bakugo's legs before grabbing Bakugo's arms and putting them on his chest.

"Now then. You use your quirk, you send an explosion onto yourself. You don't use your quirk, your stuck here till you resign. So what will it be? Option A, or option B?" Izuku asked.

"I'll take option C," Bakugo stated. Izuku heard some popping, but there was no light coming from Bakugo's hands. He looked at his elbow that was right next to his face. Bakugo's elbow glowed and then exploded right in izukus face. Izuku went back 10 yards, he even got close to flying out of the arena. He put his hand to his face and checked.

"Okay good, the mask is intact. I had it made with special fabric so it shouldn't break easily. In fact I don't even know if it can be broken now that I think of it." Izuku slapped himself realizing he was going on a tangent, somehow in his own thoughts. "Focus. What the fuck just happened!?"

"Bakugo! What in the holy grain cereal fuck was that!?" Izuku yelled.

"Okay first of all, 'holy grain cereal fuck' is an amazing saying. Second, it's a new technique I learned. I used to be able to only send explosions out of my palms, now I can do it on any part of my body as long as theirs sweat. I call it 'full body detonator'."

"What are you doctor doofensmurtz?"

The entire statium went silent. Most were confused, you could hear some chuckles in the crowd while their friend group was dying.

"Excuse me?" Bakugo responded.


Bakugo started laughing after that. "Oh shut up. Your quirk is literally called hell's creation. That is the most emo thing I think I've ever heard."

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