Chapter 12 : Panic

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It's been such a tiring day. Jihoon let out a heavy sigh. He laid his back on the fluffy bed. He can't believe they have been out the whole day. After leaving for lunch, the three of them went shopping. Jihoon thought Choi's siblings will stop shopping after the first mall, but they are keep on it until two to three shopping malls. Not just that, in the middle of the shopping trip, Hyuna decided to go to the zoo. Such a weird decision but he goes along with it.

Jihoon accidentally let out a small chuckle when he remembers some funny moments they went through. He then turns his body to the side. His eyes were now glued to the camera bag Hyunsuk had just given him. He rises from his comfy bed and grabs the bag. It fits perfectly for his camera. His lips create a smile. "God, I am so happy,"  he muttered. He rolls over on his bed again, holding the bag in the air and kicking his leg in excitement. Jihoon is so excited about this! Not because he finally has the bag he always wanted but because it was given by someone he likes.

As Jihoon still celebrate his excitement, he heard the door clack open.  His head shoots up as soon as he sees who it is.
"Hyung!" He said happily.

Different from Hyunsuk, he gave Jihoon a weird look, at this rate, Hyunsuk thought he could get used to Jihoon's alien personality but he can't help giving weird look when he heard a loud laugh from the outside of the door. Jihoon quickly shut his mouth when Hyunsuk suspiciously stare at him, "Aren't you tired?" Hyunsuk asked he moves to the bed next to Jihoon's, taking his jacket off and putting it at the end of the bed. Neatly.

"Are you worried about me?" Jihoon asked teasingly while putting one hand on the pillow behind his head.

Hyunsuk dagger a stare at Jihoon. "Why would I? I wonder how come you still have so much energy to roll over the bed after walking all day,"  Hyunsuk said while taking off his watch and placing it on the counter next to his bed.

"I am tired but at the same time, I am happy. So happy." Jihoon replied. Hyunsuk raised an eyebrow in confusion,

"What do you mean?"

"This," Jihoon said as he showed the bag to Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk just looking at him, confusedly. "Well it's just a bag, you seem to need one. Hyuna said."

"Miss Hyuna?"

"Yeah, she's the one who recommended me to buy this bag. You need one she's said."

"Oh," it sounds like Jihoon is ungrateful.

No, no, no. I can't be like this. Even though this is not exactly from Hyunsuk hyung, he's still the one that gave me this.

"I have to thank Miss Hyuna tomorrow."

"Mmm," Hyunsuk answered.

"Hyung- Woah, hyung. Why did you take off your clothes here?!" Jihoon said while covering his eyes. He can't believe Hyunsuk just casually taking off his clothes in front, well not really of the person that has feelings for him.

Hyunsuk then turned at Jihoon. He feels so tired to argue with Jihoon but no one can do it when the other acting so annoyingly.

"I'm taking a shower, are you expect me to take shower with my clothes on?" Hyunsuk said while gritting his teeth. He then leaves Jihoon dumbfounded and moves to the bathroom. Jihoon can't believe his heart thumping so fast while looking at another guy taking off his clothes.

Out of a sudden, Jihoon let out a heavy sigh. "He didn't even faze. Well, it's supposed to be a normal reaction. I mean, I am the one that likes him." He mutters to himself. He looks at the floor as his overthinking thought take over his mind. He feels frustrated. This is getting ridiculous. "It's's just...he's so beautiful. What if he likes me too? And what if...what if we're together?! Impossible, it's impossible. What if he didn't even gay in the first place?"  Jihoon started hyperventilating. "Fuck. How do I deal with this?" He whispers loudly but it is not quite enough for Hyunsuk who came back from the shower.

Jihoon covers his mouth to prevent himself from screaming or making any noise while staring at Hyunsuk. The other just stare back. "How to deal with what?" Hyunsuk asking.

Feeling like a ton of weight has been thrown on his head, Jihoon feels almost fainting when he sees Hyunsuk just in his towel, covering only his lower half while his hair dripping wet. 

"Oh, bathroom. How to deal with the desire to use the bathroom when someone is in it. Yeah."Jihoon stammers before rushing to the bathroom.

The door closed close softly. He leans down on the wooden floor breathing deeply.

'He must've thought I'm a freak.'

Jihoon stared deep in the mirror, looking at his reflection. He's frowning. The mirror started to get steamy from his breath. Heavy panting is filling the small space. Even under the running water, he cannot suppress the hotness on his cheeks.

'This is stupid. I should just pretend I never saw anything like I did nothing.'
Jihoon shakes his head vigorously. 'Stop thinking about it!' He shouts in his mind.
'What should I do?'

Jihoon groans out loud, looking down. 'I hate this. Please rest already!'

After a few minutes of battle with his feeling, Jihoon finally wash himself off even though a loud yell could be heard from the outside of the bathroom. At some point, Hyunsuk jolted when he heard the voice but knowing it from Jihoon, he just shrugs it off.

"Hyung?" Hyunsuk who is writing something in his notebook just now stop as he heard someone call him. He turned his head towards the voice. Jihoon's head peeking behind the door.

"What?" Hyunsuk asked with an uninterested voice.

Jihoon can't believe he is stupid enough to forget to bring a towel with him.  His face heated as he realized there was nothing he can do. 'This is so embarrassing! What am I supposed to say? Why am I like this today?!' Jihoon thought frantically.

Hyunsuk just staring at him. "What it is? If you're done, get out of the bathroom quick."

"That's the problem."


Hyunsuk monologue. What's the problem has anything to do with his inability to get out of the bathroom.

Jihoon sighed again, "I forgot to bring a towel with me." Jihoon smiled sheepishly.
Hyunsuk's eyes drop. He just blankly stares back at the younger. Then his eyes narrow slightly. He let out a sigh. Today is surely long. He thought. He then woke up, grabbed a brand new body towel from the closet, and pass it to Jihoon.


Jihoon takes the towel and gives Hyunsuk a big thankful smile. He just nods without answering, making a move to his bed again. He continued his disturbing activity just now.

A few minutes pass after Jihoon changes to his sleepwear. Both he and Hyunsuk didn't speak a word. Hyunsuk seems busy with his notebook. The air feels awkward, maybe just to him. Jihoon turns his head to the side where he can still see Hyunsuk writing away. Hyunsuk's fingers move smoothly against the paper. At the time, it look like his lips create a smile. A smile that is rarely seen on Hyunsuk's lips. It's a lie if Jihoon didn't wonder by what Hyunsuk write to be able to make him make that face. A face he hopes Hyunsuk will show just to him. But then he shook those thoughts away. It was probably a dream because Jihoon know that Hyunsuk doesn't like him. Or anyone.

Feeling like a stare was daggers into him, Hyunsuk lifted his head to find Jihoon looking at his face. Jihoon immediately looked down when Hyunsuk stared at him with his cold gaze.

"Go to sleep, we got to wake up early tomorrow,"  Hyunsuk said sternly, putting his book back in the drawer of his bed counter.

"Hyung, I..." Jihoon paused a second. Hyunsuk 's eyebrows furrowed waiting for the next words coming out of Jihoon's lips.

"Nevermind. Hehe, goodnight, hyung"

Hyunsuk nodded his head. He then turned around and went to his bed. As soon as Hyunsuk lay his back and turn the lamp off beside his bed, he suddenly hear Jihoon speaking again.
"Hyunsuk hyung?"
"Thank you."
"What for?"

"Letting me sleep in the same room as you," Jihoon said as he turn off the lamp, leaving the both of them only dark for a moment, Hyunsuk felt like something touched his heart. He doesn't know how to respond. So, he said nothing and just turn the other way and go to sleep.

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