Chapter 39 : Kim Jae's side story (3)

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"Let's have a date today," said Jae with a husky voice as he just lay on top of his boyfriend. He nuzzled into the crook of his neck and pressed soft kisses up to his earlobe. The boy in question blushed lightly at the contact but otherwise remained calm in his lover's embrace.

Hyunsuk ruffles the hair on the other's head affectionately, "Should we? Aren't you busy?"

Jae smiled against his collarbone as he snuggles further into the warmth the other emits causing Hyunsuk to giggle. "I could always take a day off and do something else." He kissed the other 's chin before pulling away to look him directly in the eyes. He leaned forward to capture his lips. They shared gentle kisses and slowly started to make their way down. Hyunsuk's hands found themselves on the smaller man's hips, slowly trailing upward. Jae let out a quiet whine in his throat as they continued to kiss.

"Hyung, we should stop for now," said the younger once they broke apart, breathless.

"But I wanna taste you more," Jae whines, pouting slightly. "No can do," Hyunsuk says, grinning and touching the nose tip of his lover. They both laugh quietly and Jae pulls him in for another kiss.

Hyunsuk let out a loud laugh as he sees the birds around them fly away, as Jae approached to feed them. Jae is looking devastated at the failure of his attempt at catching some birds. He then turns to Hyunsuk, meets their eyes together, and suddenly, he strides towards the latter.

Hyunsuk stopped laughing the moment Jae got too close to him.

"Why are you laughing so much, huh?" asked Jae. Both of his hands now are on cupping Hyunsuk's cheeks with a frown. Instead of getting intimidated, Hyunsuk grinned at him, making it hard for Jae to focus. Jae gritted his teeth not to fall into the adorableness trap. But he failed. He could feel himself blush.

"Why are you so cute?" mutters Jae, his voice slightly cracking. It's now Hyunsuk's turn to blush. Jae looks deeply into Hyunsuk's doe-like eyes and leans forward, his breath tickling Hyunsuk's nose. The latter can't help but gasp, unable to move from the sudden proximity between them. But then, he notices that the distance between them is closing, just an inch,  only an inch between his head and Jae's chin.

Just when Jae wanted to close the gap more, he suddenly slump his head on Hyunsuk's shoulder. "I... I can't kiss you publicly in a broad daylight. Right?" he said, almost mumbling. Hyunsuk blushed hearing him and clear his throat.

He then takes notice of his surrounding. They were still in the middle of the park and people were passing by their side, not sparing them a glance, yet.

"Y-yeah. Let's move," says Hyunsuk. Jae immediately lifts his head from Hyunsuk's shoulder and takes a couple of steps back. His face is beet red. Hyunsuk chuckled softly at the sight. He then intertwined his pinky finger with Jae's pointer finger. Jae looked down at their fingers and then up to look at Hyunsuk. His face suddenly brightens up.

"Let's have fun, yeah?" said Jae, grinning brightly.

Hyunsuk smiles at him in return and nods his head. Jae now grabs Hyunsuk's hand and intertwined their fingers. Hyunsuk's heart flutters a little. His smile grew bigger when he felt Jae squeeze his hand a little tighter, reassuringly.

"Woah, it becomes dark," Hyunsuk comments with a chuckle, looking at the sky to see the orange sun setting, casting the city in shades of orange and yellow.  The sunset paints an image of the most beautiful colors that he could've ever seen in his life. "Isn't that amazing?" He asks Jae, who's sitting by his side in silence.

Jae turns his head away from the scenery, turning to look at the boy beside him with a soft smile on his face. Hyunsuk's eyes shine under the orange light, looking like a galaxy in its own right as he smiles back at Jae. He looks so beautiful; it makes Jae want to hold on tight to him forever, never letting go. He wants to stay here in this moment for eternity, with only Hyunsuk in his arms.

He then leans his head on Hyunsuk's shoulder. It is warm, and Jae loves it. Hyunsuk was taken aback by the sudden action, but didn't say anything about it; he just wrapped his arm around Jae's head and ruffles his hair lightly. They stay like that for some time until Jae suddenly speaks up.

"Seok-ah, what will you do if I'm no longer by your side?"Jae asks in a soft voice while tightening their clasping hand together, his eyes fixed on the horizon where the sunset is.

Hyunsuk seems puzzled when Jae suddenly asks him a question as if it's completely random. "What are you talking about? Do you plan to leave me?" He answers with a scoff, trying not to show how much those words hurt to hear.  Jae lets out a chuckle at the response, shaking his head.

"Of course not!" He says, giving him the brightest smile he can muster while caressing Hyunsuk's cheek. "I'll always be there for you... even when we're apart." He gives him a peck on his cheek, making Hyunsuk blush furiously. "Even if you can't see me I'll still live here," said Jae, pointing at Hyunsuk's chest, and giving Hyunsuk a reassuring smile.

"You're not planning to leave me, right? Even if you do, I'll follow you wherever you go. I can't live without you..." Hyunsuk says, his tone soft, almost pleading. Jae chuckles again, cupping Hyunsuk's cheeks, and looking into his sparkling brown eyes. He leans close to him and kisses him softly. When they parted, Jae smiled and whispered, "As long I'm alive, you'll be mine. Forever. I promise you I won't stop loving you, ever. So, Choi Hyunsuk," Jae paused. He then pulled away and grab something from his pocket. Jae held out his hand in front of him, showing Hyunsuk the ring which glitters beautifully underneath the rays of moonlight. "Will you marry me?"

Hyunsuk just stares at Jae, unable to comprehend what has happened to him. His eyes then went down, looking at the sparkling gemstone hanging from the silver ring. Tears slowly fall from his eyes, making his vision blurry. Jae saw the tears falling, and panicked. He hurriedly wipes them away with his thumb and brings Hyunsuk closer.

"Do you hate the idea so much?" Jae asked quietly, cupping Hyunsuk's face with both hands. Hyunsuk shakes his head vigorously, tears keep streaming down. He then leans close to Jae and wraps his arms around his waist,  burying his face in Jae's chest.  Jae immediately wraps his arms around him too, holding Hyunsuk close to him.

"Yes, I will. I will marry you," says Hyunsuk, crying in his arms. Hearing him, Jae let out a relieved sigh, smiling widely. He kisses Hyunsuk's forehead gently, making the latter smile and wipe his tears. 

Jae then takes Hyunsuk's hand and puts the ring on his finger. Once he did, he cups his face and kisses him. He knows the answer now, and that's all that matters. Jae smiles at Hyunsuk once more and kisses him one last time before they return inside the car, closing the night curtain behind them.

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