Chapter 25 : Bali

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"Woah!!" Hyunsuk was startled by Jihoon's loud voice. He gives the latter side-eyed. Hyunsuk silently judges Jihoon who is gawking looking at the sky. The weather in Bali right now is so pleasant. The air is warm and the bright sun shines as it casts shadows on the land. Everything seems perfect until Hyunsuk heard loud cheering from Jihoon. He's way too loud for such a pleasant day but Hyunsuk doesn't say much. If anything, he prefers this side of Jihoon who can be so lively in any situation though sometimes it feels like he taking care of the 3-year-old child.

"Hyung! Look. It's so blueeee," said Jihoon pointing at the sky. If he was animated, his eyes probably look as big as his hands and mouth. Hyunsuk squinted his eyes, looking in the direction Jihoon's pointed. He wonder how Jihoon didn't hurt his eyes looking at the bright sky. He turns his head at Jihoon again upon hearing a shutter sound from his side. The latter taking the picture of the sky using his phone camera. Didn't take him long to take some shots of the photos. He then typed something on his phone.

"Why don't you use your camera?" Hyunsuk asks after he was done typing. Jihoon looks up at Hyunsuk and smiles. He was kinda glad that Hyunsuk noticed the small details of his actions. "Oh, same reason as me taking the photo of our dinner last time. The camera is used for basically professional mode while the phone is more casual. I usually post the photos on our studio Instagram page. Hyung, you can see here," Jihoon shows his phone to Hyunsuk who is now standing with crossed arms. Hyunsuk stretches his neck a bit to give peek at Jihoon's phone. 

He didn't say a word when looking at the page. It doesn't exactly like what he imagines where it is full of views but it doesn't disappoint him. It contains random photos. Foods, buildings, skies, nature, and many more. He then nodded, hinting he was done looking at the phone. "You see the username, hyung? Please follow us there," said Jihoon with a wide grin. He points at his phone. Definitely with an ulterior motive. Well who knows, Jihoon might be able to get to know more about Hyunsuk through his account.

"I didn't use that," he said and proceeds to put his hands inside th pocket of his cardigan. Jihoon raises his eyebrows and scratches his head. He then takes his phone back. "Well, it's to be expected," said Jihoon, with a hint of disappointment in his voice. He was supposed to mutter to himself but he accidentally said it out loud. Hyunsuk could hear it clearly since he still just a few inches away from him, which makes him get a glare Hyunsuk. He doesn't understand why, but he retracts from Hyunsuk a few feets away. Then, Hyunsuk dragged his luggage, leaving Jihoon.

Jihoon let out a chuckle before following behind Hyunsuk. Hyung, please give me a chance. Just a tiny chance for me to love you. Monologue Jihoon in his mind. He hopes he could at least meltdown Hyunsuk's icy heart. "Ah, hyung. Let me help you to hold this one," Jihoon said, taking a bag from Hyunsuk's hand. The older guy didn't say anything, just letting Jihoon do whatever he wants. He is tired to argue with him.

Then, Jihoon energetically led their way. His backpack bounced up and down, showing how excited Jihoon their trip this time. Hyunsuk silently followed Jihoon. He then lowered his gaze after looking at Jihoon for a quiet time. He tightens his grip on the handle of his luggage.

They're taking a cab to their destination, Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay. After a 20-minute or so ride, they finally arrived at the lobby of the resort. Jihoon's mouth was agape when since the cab bring them straight away from the main gate to the lobby. He is overwhelmed by how majestic the place is. The entrance of the resort is made from black marble tiles. There are huge pillars of different sizes holding the front entrance gate. The whole scenery was gorgeous with a beautiful view of the sea surrounding them.

As they both take off from the taxi, they went straight to the lobby for check-in. Hyunsuk went straight to the receptionist while Jihoon was already immersed in his job as a photographer. When they entered the resort area, he didn't even take off his camera. He makes sure to take pictures of every single thing in sight, that gets his attention. His lips curved to a smile slightly, satisfied with what he sees.

It feels like he stepped into heaven. From the outside, Jimbaran Bay looks beautiful, the crystal blue waves rolling along the shore. The sound of the seagulls flying over them makes him feel like floating above the ground. Jihoon then look around the area. He was amazed at how everything here is so breathtakingly beautiful. The lobby's design blends well with the lush surrounding. The gardens are adorned with water parties, fountains, and over 1500 shrines.

After having a tour outside the lobby,  Jihoon decided to catch up to Hyunsuk. As he steps his feet inside, he is mesmerized by how beautiful the interior is. The shining marble floors reflect the intense sunlight which creates the beautiful illusion of a water pond. Jihoon then took a glance at Hyunsuk who is talking with the receptionist. Before he could approach Hyunsuk, the latter seems like already done talking with the receptionist. "Are you done?" Jihoon asked Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk gave a nod to Jihoon while keep walking towards one of the couches in the lobby. Jihoon just follows behind Hyunsuk.

"They'll take care of everything," said Hyunsuk as he takes a sit. "Oh, so they ask us to rest here first?" ask Jihoon again. Hyunsuk just nodded.

Jihoon also takes sits next to Hyunsuk. "Hyung, are we going to stay here for these 3 days?" ask Jihoon in a low tone,  trying not to draw any unwanted attention toward them. Hyunsuk looks at Jihoon for a second and nodded. "Yeah,"  said Hyunsuk. Jihoon hummed in response. "What?! We're staying here, at the luxurious place for 3 days. Me and you?!" Jihoon said out loud.  He then looked at Hyunsuk with wide eyes. Hyunsuk just shrugs his shoulder and nodded once again. "Yeah, anything wrong with it?" Hyunsuk said with a little bit of irritation. "No, nothing at all...just...this is..."

"Just what?"

" expensive."

"You can book another hotel if you want. I don't care," said Hyunsuk waving his hands nonchalantly.

"NO! I... I wanna stay here," said Jihoon quickly. "Well, yeah. You're being too loud," Hyunsuk says looking away. While Jihoon was still overwhelmed by the fact he will stay a few days at the luxurious place with the person he love, the staff approached them with a smile. "Hey, Jihoon. Are you going to stay there?" said Hyunsuk turning his head at Jihoon who still had his mouth wide open as if not believe what Hyunsuk just said. He looks like a lost puppy and Hyunsuk rolled his eyes. "Hey Jihoon!" he snapped.

Jihoon startled. He quickly snaps out of it realizing Hyunsuk was talking to him. "Oh, oh yes! Sorry." Jihoon blushed a little. He took all of his stuff quickly and went to Hyunsuk's side.

"Snap out of it, blockhead," said Hyunsuk after Jihoon finally stood by his side.  Jihoon giggled at that. "Alright hyung!"' Jihoon replied.

The two of them started walking to their designated room with the staff guide. All along the way, the female staff just chuckle slightly hearing unreadable bicker between two Korean guys.

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