Chapter Fifteen: Metal Hammer Magazines

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Veronica POV
I sat down on my bed as Chrissy looked around my room in awe. She traced her finger against one of the posters as she admired the rest in front of her.

"Your room is so cool." She complemented, turning around and looking at me. I smiled, the tense feeling in my body finally going away. I was nervous she'd see my room and immediately think I was weird.

"Who's Nikki Sixx?" She asked, looking at the poster above my bed of him playing guitar with flames in the background. I gasped.

"You don't know Nikki Sixx?" I asked, putting my hand on my heart in overdramatized shock.

Chrissy gave me a small smile and shook her head. I immediately got up and walked over to my dresser, pulling out a couple of my metal hammer magazines. Chrissy sat on my bed and watched as I threw a couple onto the bed next to her.

"Now flip through a few of those. That's him and the rest of crue on the cover of that one." I commented, pointing out Nikki on the front.

"Wow. I didn't know you liked all this stuff." She said, flipping through the pages in awe.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked, looking over her shoulder at the magazine she was flipping through.

"Of course not!" She explained, looking back at me. "I think it's really cool that you like all this stuff. It gives you character."

I gave her a dampened smile. "Well Chrissy, there's a lot more where those came from if you wanna look." I told her, walking back to my desk and opening the center drawer to reveal many of the magazines.

Chrissy smiled and stood up. "Yeah, i'd like to see." She said before sitting on the floor and placing the two magazines in front of her. I took out stacks of them and placed them on the floor in front of her, her face lighting up.

"You don't get rid of any of these?" She asked, laughter in her voice.

"Well I only keep the good ones...and well- they're all good so..."

"Who's that?" Chrissy asked, her voice sharp and scared. My eyes immediately went wide.

"What?" I asked, before turning around to see Eddie in my window. His eyes quickly went wide before he lost his balance.

"Shit, shit!" He whisper-yelled before he disappeared and a loud thud was heard.

My eyes went even wider if that was even possible. I quickly shot up and sped over to my window, peering out to see if Eddie was okay.

"No way, was that Eddie Munson outside of your window??" She asked. I couldn't tell if she was excited or disgusted, but I just froze in shock, realizing what had just happened.

"No- it wasn't-" I began to say frantically before a big smile formed on Chrissy's face.

"No, because that would make so much sense! How long has this been going on?" She asked excitedly. I was taken aback by her words, expecting something much different.

Was she really okay with this? Or was she gonna freak out and run to tell Jason and Tiffany?

A moment of silence went by.

"Well what are you doing? Let him in here!" She said, laughter in her voice. That's when I snapped out of it.

I quickly opened my window, Chrissy and I looking down at a sore Eddie laying on the ground.

"Eddie are you okay?" I whisper-yelled. He quickly sat up, realizing Chrissy and I were staring down at him.

"Yeah, uh- sorry wrong house. I was looking for Dustin-" He lied, his voice confused and raspy from just falling out of my tree.

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