Chapter Twenty-Four: Uncle Wayne

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Veronica POV

The next day after school, I sat criss crossed on Eddie's bed, him sitting in front of me with his shirt off and emptying his last bag of weed out onto my thigh. I watched as he threw the empty baggy onto the floor and grabbed the rolling paper, gently placing the weed onto it and sliding his finger against it lightly as he began to roll.

He slowly brought the tightly rolled paper up to his lips, licking it to seal it completely. He stuck his pinky slightly through the top and pat it down to make sure it was firmly compressed. He finally looked up at me as he finished, smiling before wiping off the small bits he left on my thigh.

He gently placed the joint in between my lips, the sound of The Last Unicorn echoing in the background. He then got out his lighter and brought it up to the tip, me inhaling quickly as he lit it.

Eddie took the joint from my lips as I began to exhale, coughing a few times as I fanned the smoke out of my face.

I laid back and Eddie did too, laying his head on my stomach and taking a drag from the joint. I looked at the ceiling and sighed happily, twisting Eddie's hair gently with my finger.

"Have you washed these sheets once since I came here for the first time?" I asked curiously, Eddie looking up at me slightly.

"" He replied, passing the joint up to me. I took it with my free hand and let out a small laugh.

"Thats disgusting." I explained, taking another hit. Eddie laughed and sat up, getting on top of me, our faces inches apart.

"Oh well. The stains give me flashbacks, so." He joked, taking the joint from my mouth and taking another hit. I rolled my eyes and blushed, pushing his face away from mine with my hand. He coughed as he began laughing, the smoke quickly escaping his mouth with every cough.

Eddie rolled over and laid beside me, his arm placed above his head as he stared at the small tv in front of us. He'd brought it in here from him and Wayne's living room, being we wanted to get his money's worth of the movie he rented yesterday.

"You know, this movie isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Do I know what's going on right now? No. But it's still good." He spoke, taking another hit from the joint.

I laughed, the noise feeling like it was coming out in slow motion. I laid my head against Eddie's chest, my arm draped over his stomach. I slowly began tracing my finger against his side, his breathing noticeably getting heavier.

"Roni, stoppp," he laughed, setting the joint on the ashtray beside his bed. He put his hand over mine to stop my finger from moving, a smirk growing on my face as he did.

"Why do I have to stop?" I asked, looking up at him. He bit his lip, his hand grabbing my leg and sliding it up to his torso as we laid there. I smirked, crawling on top of him and getting close to his face like he'd done to me moments before. Eddie smirked as I leaned in to kiss him, his hands grabbing my ass as I slowly ran my hand down his chest, the coldness of his nipple piercing running against my hand.

Eddie sat up, deepening the kiss as he moved my ass back and forth against him. He let out a shaky breath as I moved my hips faster, melting at the feeling of his bulge pressing against me through his jeans. I slowly trailed the kisses down to his neck, sucking lightly as he threw his head back. Moans escaped his lips like a melody, making me trail more kisses closer to his jawline.

"Fuck, Veronica..." He breathed, my thighs beginning shake at his words. Remember how I mentioned him saying my full name made me cringe? Not in this moment, not when he used it like this.

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