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Beys POV
Bey: I can't believe you were staring at her boobs again.
Jay: yo stop bein so damn jealous. You mean to tell me you ain't eva look at another guy bulge?
Bey: wtf?! Why would I?
Jay: stop lyin bruh. Everytime we go to the game, you always be lookin at Lebron like you wanna suck his dick.

 Everytime we go to the game, you always be lookin at Lebron like you wanna suck his dick

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Bey: no I don't. He plays on the damn court. What am I supposed to be lookin at? The sky?
Jay: at my dick not his.
Jay and I haven't been getting along and we been together since 97. It's 2013 and I can't take his cheating and lies and he's been accusing me of a lot of shit these past few months. And I've got the Super Bowl to perform at next month. And the Grammys are a week before hand. As much as I love Jay, I've gotta do what hurts the most. I don't see us happy in the future together. We get home from the game and I get out of the car pissed and walk right in the house. I go into the kitchen to get a drink when Jay closes the fridge door.
Bey: what?!
Jay: you think he got a big di-
Bey: Jay, we really need to talk*tearing up*
His face softens and we sit at the kitchen table.
Bey: *grabs his hand* you know we been together for a long time, but I-I can't do this anymore. The cheating and accusations and heartbreak*cries* I'm not happy anymore.
Jay: *tears up* oh baby. I'm so sorry. Listen, maybe we can try therapy again.
Bey: we been going there on and off again for years. I just think we would be better off not being together anymore.
I look at his face and it goes from sad to anger. But I didn't expect him to come over and kiss me. I felt nothing in the kiss. He starts putting his hand in my pants but I have lost attraction to him. I pull his hand out and he backs away.
Jay: you're not leaving me. I refuse for you to give up on us. YOURE NOT LEAVING!

I jumped as he started throwing shit from off the table

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I jumped as he started throwing shit from off the table. I run grab my jacket and run out of the house and he starts chasing me.

Jay: Bey! I'm sorry! Come back!I turn into an alley way and hide behind the dumbester as he ran off thinking I went all the way down and went on to another street

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Jay: Bey! I'm sorry! Come back!
I turn into an alley way and hide behind the dumbester as he ran off thinking I went all the way down and went on to another street. I come out and walk back twoards the house crying.

I couldn't even pay attention to my fans who were following me

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I couldn't even pay attention to my fans who were following me. I walk back upstairs and get back in. We live on the streets of New York. I lock the door and call my momma. She answers right away.
Momma T: hey ba-
Bey: MOM! I broke up with Jay!*cryin*
Momma T: what?!
I told her the story and how I felt and how Jay sacred me before.
Momma T: you comin over baby. You come here right now. *hangs up*
I grab a few of my things and put it in a bag. I get into my car and drive off. I look at my phone and Jay keeps calling and blowing it up. I put it on do not disturb and text him.
Me: Hey Shawn, I'm gonna clear my head for a few days and when I'm ready, I'll talk more with you.
Baby💦🍆: Baby please don't leave! I'm sorry for scaring you. I was just upset we can talk this out! I love you!
I don't respond and turn my location off. I look up and see I almost slammed into the car infront of me. People, don't text and drive pls. I get to my mommas house who lives 20 minutes away. I get out and grab my bag and purse and knock on her door. She opens up and she gives me a hug. I cry in her arms as she lets me in and closes the door. Solo is here with our step dad Richard and they see me and give me a hug. We sit down in the living room talking about what happened.
Momma T: oh baby. Don't let him manipulate you in staying if you really don't want to. Love hurts baby I know. A-
All of a sudden, Jay walks in which is weird cause ain't no way he had the key.
Jay: oh what? You makin me look like tha bad guy now?!
He look like he foam out of his damn mouth. I can tell he's pissed. I stand up and walk twoards him.
Bey: yknow it's nice to talk to people who don't judge!
Jay: you're you're a -
He looked at Solo who was crossing her arms ready to attack his ass part 2.
Solo: boy don't you finish that damn sentence. I outta fuck you up a second time.
He huffs then leaves the house.
Tv: And story comes out that now Chris Brown revealed he has a lil crush on Mrs. Beyoncé Knowles Carter. He's what Chris said in our interview earlier.
Chris: yknow she's so powerful man. And so damn beautiful. Jay Z is soo lucky to have that woman. She's exactly who I would date. Shit she wifey material. But don't come after me Jay *laughs*

 But don't come after me Jay *laughs*

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He's so cute. Ofc I'd hope on that man.
Momma T: oh does someone already know her next man?
Solo: sis you are drooling.
I wipe my mouth and I felt my pussy tingle. I've always wanted to meet him before.
Interviewer: and you're gonna be at the Grammys in 2 weeks right? Maybe you guys will see eachother there!
Chris: hopefully cause I respect her so damn much and she ah man. I could go on about talking about her and how legendary and sweet she is.
Richard: he seems like a nice man!
I'm wet just lookin at him. Damn, I could have his kids. That was so sweet and kind and he is REAL! I wanna give him a big ol' kiss. It hurts to leave Jay, but I know it would be the right thing. Atleast for me.

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