Nice to meet you finally!

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Grammys red carpet
Chris POV

My heart is beating a 1,000 times fast knowin that Beyoncé is gonna be here tonight

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My heart is beating a 1,000 times fast knowin that Beyoncé is gonna be here tonight. And I heard there is speculation that she finally dumbed Jay ugly ass. She always be lookin dick deprived. I could help her with that. I hear everyone gasp and scream and look to my right to see Beyoncé comin over. And she look soo damn good.

Beys POVI loom over my shoulder posing and I see Chris Brown! And he is staring so damn hard

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Beys POV
I loom over my shoulder posing and I see Chris Brown! And he is staring so damn hard. I wave to him and we finish taking pictures. We head inside where paparazzi are not allowed in the buildings entrance.
Angie: girl there he is! Go get that dick girl. You look like you need a good fuck!
I laugh and hit her in the back of the head. I walk twoards Chris and I see him smile so big
Chris: hey Bey! It's nice to meet you!
Bey: nice to meet you too baby!
We both went to kiss eachother cheek but we went the same way and accidentally kissed on the lips and I melted fluttered and almost came right then and there. We locked lips for a split second.
Bey: I mean atleast take me on a date first shit.
We both laugh. I know we both felt something in that kiss. Something that awoke us both. I wanna do it again but gotta control.
Chris: Bey, before we go in there, I just wanna say I respect you soo much. You inspire my music my choices and you and Michael Jackson are the biggest influences on my life. To me you feel so unreal.
Bey: aww thank you Chris! Michael is the one that got me started in the first place too.
We talked a lot about everything and anything and he is soo damn cute and funny. Lord I can't remember that last time I laughed this much. We go in and our seats are far away from eachother which sucks cause I wanna learn more about him.
Chris POV
The show is so great tonight. I look over to see Beyoncé again but I don't see her.
Announcer: and here is Beyoncé Knowles and Ellen DeGeneres.

That was cringy and hilarious at the same time. Beys voice is just so damn uh. She just to damn perfect man and that body! Whooow lawd. I love her Houston accent. We watch JT perform who is another big influence on me. The show ends and I meet Beyoncé talking to one of the crew members.
Bey: hey Chris!
We hug. Her embrace feels so warm.
Chris: Beyoncé, that was hilarious with you and Ellen.
Bey: haha thanks and call me Bey. She was funny but kinda gettin on my nerves a bit.
Chris: *laughs hard* I could tell.
We laugh and I stupidly blurt out.
Chris: you're laugh us so sexy
Her face froze and I clench my eyes and rub the back of my neck. Idiot!
Bey: thank you Chris.
Chris: I'm so uh I'm so sorry I - I didn't uh sorry I should um just g-
As I tried to walk away in shame, she grabs my arm and turns me back twoards her.
Bey: can I tell you something but you gotta swear to not say a damn word to anyone Chris.
Chris: ofc.
Bey: Jay and I are divorced.
I smiled soo hard on the inside. Good for her! I gave her a hug.
Chris: oh I'm so sorry B-
Bey: no ya ain't *jokingly pushes me away* I heard what ya said about me on tv 2 weeks ago.
I turn red. I didn't know what to say. This is odd cause I've fucked soo many girls in the past but Bey makes me blush and like a lil school boy.
Chris: I -
Bey: you normally this shy to talk to females? Cause you Chris Brown. I know you got a body count higher than 1,000.
She laugh and I blush even harder. What is the deal with me bein speechless?!
Chris: ah. Would you wanna go out some time?
Fuck! Why am I sayin what I'm thinkin?!
Bey: I thought you would never ask. Here's my number.
She pulls out her phone and we exchange numbers. I look up at her face and I admire every feature.
Bey: well you check your scheudle and I'll check mine. Then text me when you wanna ya know. Chill. And stuff.
Chris: for sure baby girl.
Alright I ain't got no control at this point. Though I see I have an effect on her cause she blushes. We hug eachother and I couldn't help but glance down at her ass. It looks so damn phat and I wanna smack it so bad. I hope she ain't feel the bulge in my pants. We break away and I watch as she walks away. I still can't believe not only did I meet my idol, but we connected and I got to touch her.
Beys POV
I knew the power I had over him. I could tell when we hugged, he was starting to get a lil hard. And I could feel that that dick was loooongg. I just know for a fact his dick game is strong. I walked away swinging my hips knowing he was staring. I got into the car and Angie comes in as well.
Angie: so did y'all fuck yet or wut?
Bey: *laughs* oh shut up!
—-I wish cause damn.

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