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The next day...
Beys POV
I am downstairs makin cereal when Angie calls me.
Bey: Hey-
Angie: go on channel 4 rn!
I run to the tv and turn to it and see them talking about Chris.
Tv: seems like a mad jealous crazy ex had caught Queen Bey and Chris Brown talking last night bc they posted this picture on Instagram but Instagram took it down.
I dropped my cereal bowl bc of this photo on tv I was looking at. Holy Penis.

They censor it but you can still see a part of his dick and peek of his balls and his short pubes around it

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They censor it but you can still see a part of his dick and peek of his balls and his short pubes around it. I could orgasm at the sight.
Angie: I know it's beautful right!
I forgot I was on the phone with Angie still.
Jays POV
I'm watchin tv and I'm pissed Bey moved on to a fuck boy rq. I saw photos and I know they fuckin. I see his dick on tv and I gotta say impressive no homo. But I wonder what people would think of mine.🤔 I reach my hand in my pants and fumble my dick around. I stand up and get butt naked. I go upstairs and go into my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and jerk myself off slowly. I grab some lotion and I get myself as hard as I can get without bustin. I grab my phone and take a few selfies myself. That'll show them. Now I gotta have an ex hoe leak them. Aha! I know just who! I text super fast and I press send. I look again and oh shit😶I sent them to my mother!!! She calls immediately and I pick it up quickly.
Jay: mom I'm s-
Momma G: Shawn Corey Carter! Please do not tell me you're doing this cause someone leaked Chris photo and now you wanna remind Bey of yours
Jay: um well- uh-
Momma G: Shawn, come on baby, it's time to move on now. Ya forgot you was married to Beyoncé the times you cheated. So just try and move on son. I know ya hurtin, but you got soo much out there for ya son. Do not! Send these to Becky and delete them! You're better than this. Also, thank you for making me lose my lunch.
Jay: you're right and sorry mama. Um, can we forget you saw that.
Momma G: gladly. My word son.
She laughs and hangs up. Well that was embarrassing but she did have a point. I am better than this.
Chris🍆💦😩: Hey Bey, I'm peforming tonight and was wondering if you wanted to come by and watch. Backstage.
Me: ofc! What time?!
He gives me the place and time and I'm down. I cancel rehearsals for tonight and get dressed up. I make sure to loom extra good, especially now that I'm sure even more women will be all over him after that photo leak. I arrive and security let me in. I walk down the hall.
Security: Mr. Brown would like to see you in his dressing room.
Mr. Brown? Dressing room? He daddy already. I walk in and he looks like a bundle of nerves until he saw me.
Chris: Bey!😁
He gave me a giant ass hug.
Bey: hey dickstopher!
He laughed and blushed.
Chris: so you um ya did see my-
Bey: yes but it was censored.
Chris: haha ok good.
Bey: good? Nah own that shit bruh. I'm sure you gettin more pussy now.
Chris: yo Bey chill🤣 nah I'm takin a break. Oh it's time for me to go. Follow me
I take his hand and he turns to me before going on stage.
Chris: how do you feel before you get on stage?
Bey: I feel like a different entity. Like I close my eyes and inhale a few times and get ready to show them why they love me and came to my concert with their own coin.
I give him a kiss on the cheek as he gives my a hug and he goes out on stage. You wouldn't even tell he was nervous half hour ago. He starts sweatin and he's just a walkin orgasm. Damn. The way his sweat drips down his body.
Chris: Ayo, can I bring out a special lady for y'all tonight? I think y'all may know her pretty well.
He looks at me telling me to go on stage. One of his dancers brings out a chair. I walk onstage and everyone screams their heads off. They all chant my name and Chris slams me into the seat and gives me an orgasmic dance.

I swore I came. Once the lights went off, it was intermission and he had 15 minutes until he had to return on stage for his finale. I walk with him and we head back into his dressing room. I could see his tent in his pants and he's trying to hide it.
Bey: boy, did you see how crazy those girls we-
All of a sudden, with a look of pure lust and desire, he kisses me against the wall. I melt like butter and kiss back but stop quick.
Bey: Chris I'm sorry I-
Chris: no! I'm so sorry Bey. It was just the heat of the moment.
Bey: No it's ok Chris. Listen I uh- I am ya know still recovering from a broken heart. I-I do like you Chris but I just am not in a right place at the moment. When I'm ready I'll let you know but until then , you can fuck or fate who ever ya want. D-
Chris: I really like you too. I don't want all these girls out there. I want to date you. ONLY YOU. And I'll wait as long as you need me to.
The sexual tension in this room is so high. You can smell it. The way he shirtless with sweat glistening on his abs and that nice bulge in his pants. I couldn't help my self and I kiss him again and we make out. He slips some tongue into my mouth. I'm wetter than the damn ocean. I grab the back of his neck and then all of a sudden, the door swings open and all his homies froze seeing us make out on his dressing room chair. We pull away quick.
Paparazzi: got it!

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