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Chris POV
Member: hand her over son.
They all flex their guns. I put Bey down and put her behind me.
Member: aye Bey! Remember us! We ain't gonna hurt Blue. We've matured and realize it ain't her fault. It her slutty ass mother. You got out man in jail too!
Bey: wait a second...was Jay the one behind this? Something dosent add up.
Member: it don't matter. What matters, is that you finna come with us.
Chris: over my dead body.
They all laugh hysterically.
Member: here that y'all?? Pretty boy thinks he could de-
I close the door on them and lock it. I pick Bey up again and they shoot around the door handle to get in. I panic and run twoards the backyard but there's more crawling over the fence. Fuck!
Bey: attic!
I run upstairs and just in time cause they break in. I go into Bey's room and silently close the door. We go in her closet and bring the door down. She gets up first and then I and the string blends into the door so no one could even tell.
Bey:*whispers* I have this for emergencies
My body is ontop of hers and I kiss her. Passionately.
Chris: I'm so sorry that this all happened to you. Fuck! I left my phone down stairs!
Bey: I've got mine in my pocket. Can you reach?
I reach my hand down and I slide my hand into her panty. She side eyes me.
Chris: sorry it slipped.
Bey: mhmmm.
I get it and I hear someone open the door. All of a sudden, her phone rings and it was not on vibrate! Fuck! Shitty ass timing!
Bey: shit cmoon.
We crawl and there's a small door that we can stand in this part now. We walk in and she quickly closes and locks the door. It's another bedroom up here. Bey calls the police and the door is metal. It's like a safe house in here. With lights and everything.
Bey: police should be here in 5 minutes. *sits on bed*
Chris: baby, what if-
Bey: they can't break in here cause they'd need a code, finger scan and also, that door is bullet proof. Trust me, no one is coming in here.
We sit on the bed and all of a sudden, we hear yelling and fighting and gun shots downstairs. I can hear the house getting even more destroyed. Bey curls her head into my neck and cries.
Bey: I know I seem like a bad person. But I-
Chris: No Beyonce. You are not.
Bey: my family keeps calling me. What do I do?
Chris: just hold off. Call them tmr. Take some time to focus on yourself rn.
Swat: Beyoncé and Chris. This is the sweat team, you guys may come down now.
Hmmm. I leave Bey on the bed and slowly open the door to make sure it ain't no trick. It actually is a real swat team.
Chris: Bey we're good!
Bey: thank god! 
We follow them downstairs and we see her whole place wrecked. Windows broken, spray paint everywhere, and furniture destroyed.
Bey: *cries* my home!
Swat member: we are so sorry Beyonce. But we were able to arrest every member that was here. Investigator: Hello Mrs. Knowles. I'm the detective for your case. Just gotta ask you a few quesitons.
She sits down on the shredded sofa and tell the police and detective everything. After 3 hours of explaining, it was close to dinner time.
Detective: alright. Thank you Beyonce and I'm so sorry again. I'm glad you have him though*points to me* he's your savior. Have a better and safe night. We'll up your security and just in case, I would recommend a hotel for a few nights.
Bey: thank you detective.
She closes the door and turns to me. 
Bey: I'm so sorry again for everything. I don't even know how to repay you for any of this.
Chris: you don't have t-
Bey: if you wanna leave, I understand. It'll hu-
Chris: *steps. Right infront of her staring into her eyes* I'm not goin anywhere baby girl. *kiss forehead* you're staying at my crib tonight*slaps ass*
Bey: hey! Hands off my booty. It ain't yours.
Chris: it will be😈
She blushes and chuckles. I know the affect I have on her.
Beys POV
He is so sweet. I grab my clothes and toothbrush and everything that I would need for 2 weeks. I come down stairs with multiple bags.
Chris: you goin on vacation or...?
Bey: what?!! It's for 2 weeks Mr. Brown.
Chris: *sings* you know we can go any where ere ere
I dance as he sings and he spins me around. We hurry the hell out of here and put my bags in bout our cars. We speed off and I follow him to his house 25 minutes away. I pull up and his other house is soo cool!

 I pull up and his other house is soo cool!

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I pull up in the driveway with my G-Wagon. He has a collection of lambos and other sport cars. I get out and he laughs at my reaction.
Bey: Chris this place is amazing. Damn boy you got moneeeyy.
Chris: haha thanks baby.
We both grab all my bags and walk in and it's so cool inside. There's basically graffiti everywhere. He shows me every room. His arcade is sooo cool too! And he got candy machines. It look like this boy never grew up😂. His bedroom has a balcony and I look back at him.
Chris: what?
Bey: is that where you bend over all your bitches and hoes at the end of the night? Just bend them over and make the neighbors here your name. You just fuck the shit out them?
He slams me on his bed and gets ontop of me.
Chris: is that what you want me to do baby?*kisses her neck* cause I'll do it. I can get real freaky you know.
Bey: oh trust me I know. Cmon. Mmm Chris stop. Ugh.
Chris: *laughs* baby, I'm barely doing anything.
Bey: your eye fucking me.
Chris: you're not a one night stand. Tryna make you my girl before we smash again.
I laugh and push him off. We head downstairs and he cooks somethin up for us. He also put my car in his garage so no one could tell I was here. I took one bite of his seasoned chicken and it tasted like an orgasm. I moan loudly. He looks at me in lust.
Bey: sorry.
Chris: don't be. I wanna hear it again.
Bey: idk what you're talking about *smirks*
He's trying his best to resist fucking me. We talk and he puts some music on. He has soo many embarrassing stories. We drink some wine and we sit outside in his backyard lookin at the California lights. I really am falling for him.

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