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Judge POV
I realize I forgot my water bottle in the room. I come back and I hear two love birds in the men's bathroom having sex. Chris and Beyoncé? I can hear them from outside the door.
Bey: ugh zaddy!! I can't believe Rita mmm are ugh yess! Teaming up against you! Ugh! You know Karruche has been arrested before? I looked it up mm she was a criminal and pathological liar and went to mental mm hospital and out too early.
Kinda weird they havin sex and conversation at same time. Hmmm, forget lunch, now imma do some quick research.
Chris POV
I have Bey bent over the sink and my orange pants at my ankles and the cuffs still on me and her pants and panties at her ankles. She unbuttons her blazer exposing her beatific tities. I'm gettin close.
Bey: mmm I want to be cuffed when you get outta here! Yes daddy!!! Right there!!!
We both find each others spot. I lean over her and kiss her neck.
Bey: cum in me baby!!!!
I release my cum in her pussy and she squirts and does the same.
Chris: ooooh fuck baby!!! Mmm
But I don't stop fucking. We both can't control how horny we are. 
Solange: *knocks on door* hey you freaks! Time to go back in the court room! Nasty asses.
Bey: nooo😞
I slowly pull out and our cum drips out of her.
Chris: baby! You take pill?*both out of breath*
Bey:😶fuck I didn't.
She turns around and I smirk.
Bey: I'll take it once I get out of here with you. And we'll fuck forever.
Chris: imagine I just gave you a baby *kisses her*
Bey: I wouldn't mind my love. Now let's go back. You are leaving here even if I gotta strip on the pole.
Chris: ooh, I wanna see that 😋
She chuckles and she helps put my under and pants back up and she fixes herself. We go back into the court room and everyone is smiling smirking and giggling at us. I guess they aren't as mad as they were before at Bey🤷🏾‍♂️I could tell they wasn't too happy with her at first. I sit next back to my lawyer and Bey sits across the table next to us. The judge walks back in.
Judge: I have some good news but first, I wanna know if I should keep the news. Karruche, you're up please.
Beys POV
She walks past me and I leave my heel out and she trips when she walks past me making her fall.
Bey: oh my god, are you okay? I think you just assaulted my foot!
She gets up and she I know she wanted to swing so badly. I could kick this bitch and she'd break. I hear everyone laugh. Even the judge giggles a bit. She gives her oath and hands one of the cops the dvd. They bring the tv out and play it. Oooh shit. It shows Chris walking in there. Ugh, hes fucking her. But he looks in emotional destress. But now! Is the part where he's trying to walk away but she keeps harassing him. Ooh Shit! She really killed herself instead! That ain't his fault!
Karruche: as you can see your honor, my friend*dramatic crys* was murdered by him! He fucked her and killed her!
Judge: mam, what I saw in the video was Christopher trying to walk away. And why does this video look edited
Judge makes a good point. There's a few moments where it time jumps and dosent make sense. It's too obvious she fucked with the tape and audio to make it seem like he was intending to do so. He sends her back to the bench where it trip her again. I look over at Chris whispering sorry. I felt un easy watching him fuck another woman. This relationship is going to come with some consequences.
Judge: everyone rise.
We all stand up and Chris looks stressed the fuck out. We all our biting our nails waiting as he looks at his papers.

Judge: Before say what declare, Christopher, will you promise by here in court and outside that you will improve your ways and take anger management courses and therapy?Chris: I do your honor

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Judge: Before say what declare, Christopher, will you promise by here in court and outside that you will improve your ways and take anger management courses and therapy?
Chris: I do your honor. I will do whatever it takes.
Judge: and to be honest with Beyoncé whether she visits you in jail or not? You promise to be the man that she needs?
Chris: absolutely. I love her with my whole soul your honor. She the one I wanna marry some day. To have my kids and live with.
Judge: *stares at him for a good minute then looks to Beyoncé who's crying from that speech and nerves* I here by declare Chris Brown...Nkt guilty!  
We all screamed and I run over to him and jump on him and he swings my around kissing me.
Judge: order order in the court!! Wait there's more!
We all get silent and look at the judge.
Judge: Karruche, we have reviewed your history and we decided you need to go back to the mental facility and get proper help. Otherwise, look forward to being in jail.
Karruche: what?!ugh! *stomps away but Solange trips her ass and the judge laughs hysterically with the rest of us* I hate you all!
She leaves and the cop comes over to take his cuffs off.
Police: ok you love birds, we have to take Chris back to get his clothes
Chris: oh officer, I don't need any clothes tonight😈
Police: oook let's go!
They take him back and he changes. I turn and talk our family.
Bey: mom?
Mom and Richard both hug me to death.
Momma T: Joyce! We're so sorry! We truely are. Beyoncé we're sorry to you too! But also, when we're you going to tell us about you in court young lady.
Bey: oh well if I remember now. You nearly went to jail when you found out dad was cheating on you with our neighbor soo....
She was speechless and we all giggle. We all make up and damn Chris takin forever. All of a sudden, we see him come out. I jump on him.
Bey: you was takin forever!
Everyone's laughs.
Solange: Bey yo freaky ass, it was literally 30 seconds ago! Damn girl!
We all laugh. He gives his momma the biggest hug too.
Momma J: oh my son! We owe everything to Bey. I love you my handsome boy!
Chris: I love you too Ma
Momma T: so we gettin grandkids or what? You know the whole building her y'all in that bathroom. We finna be grandparents now Joyce!😄
We all laugh and oooh yea. I'm gonna be baby makin tonight!

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