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The Next day...
Beys POV
Bey: oooh I hope they see this is all a misunderstanding momma J. He doesn't belong in jail
Momma J: we've got this baby. Yknow, why do you just always have to look good?

 Yknow, why do you just always have to look good?

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Bey: it's genetic. Thank you😌
We walk in and sit and we see Chris already sitting down in an orange suit already? Damn! Ugh, my poor baby. Well idk bout "poor" cause he did fuck yo quite a bit but I don't put 100% of the blame on him. Just a good chunk of it. Like 90.1%.
Judge: ah Miss Beyonce! Perfect timing. We would like to have your statement please. And you loom very lovely might I say.
Bey: *giggles* thank you.
I do the whole oath thing with my right hand and sit down. I make eye contact with my poor depressed baby.

 I make eye contact with my poor depressed baby

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Judge: Now Beyonce, how long have you known Christopher Brown?Bey: I've known Za-Christopher for what feels like forever

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Judge: Now Beyonce, how long have you known Christopher Brown?
Bey: I've known Za-Christopher for what feels like forever.
Judge: long enough to know he has been capable of murder? *officer hands judge paper* oh wait a second. You were here only a few years ago. Hmm with the older judge. Christopher, were you aware that you were also dating a attempted murderer?
Chris: what?
Fuck! I subconsciously thought that never happened. Ugh! They pull up my mugshot on the screen. Well atleast oh nope, they all just walked in at the wrong time. I thought my parents said they weren't coming? And Chris and I's friends and family are here and their mouths drop. None of them knew except for Jay and I. Shit😶

Everyone: what??Chris: Sir, your honor, I'm positive that's a fake edit of a crazy fan wh-Judge: nope! In the report, she reportedly found out her ex husband Shawn Carter was having his 5th affair and caught them at the house

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Everyone: what??
Chris: Sir, your honor, I'm positive that's a fake edit of a crazy fan wh-
Judge: nope! In the report, she reportedly found out her ex husband Shawn Carter was having his 5th affair and caught them at the house. Police caught Beyonce chasing the mistress with a knife on the street. Made a small incision on her throat and cut her ex husband as well. He along with the mistress pressed charges and Beyoncé, you spent 4 months in jail. In the month of June 2009.
Chris: is this true?
Bey:*sighs* for so long I tried to put that incident behind me. But he-*tears up* I showed up after rehearsals. I came home and followed the trail of clothes to our bedroom. I caught him telling her how he wanted her to have his baby and she forced him to c-sorry to graphic but I was heart broken. And it was the 5th time!
Judge: you shoulda left him.
Bey: I should've cheated on him with Chris. *winks* but we are not here to talk about me, we're here to talk about Chris. Your honor, that night we argued and he-*stares at Chris shocked and nervous face* he went to Rita's house after dropping me off.
Judge: and then what?
Bey: *sighs* he headed over to her house to confront her about the mess that happened between the 2 and when he came back to the house, he was all roughed up and assaulted. Sir, this was simply an act of self defense. She was assaulting him!
Karruche: NOT ACCORDING TO THIS FOOTAGE!!! *storms in holding up dvd*
Bey: who the fuck is this?
Karruche: I'm Rita's best friend and your worst nightmare baby. He was my husband years ago.
Chris: you fucking psycho! We wasn't married! We fucked for a month a-
Judge: order! Order in the court! Mam, please just have a seat for now. Beyoncé, please continue.
Chris POV
My baby lookin fine af when Bey walked through the court. I wanna make love to her so badly. I wanna bend her over this table and pound her and make her feel on cloud 100. Ugh, and Karruche delusional ass is gonna fuck everything up. This what happens when the dick to good. Make bitches like her go crazy. And not the good kind sometimes.
Bey: your honor. Everyone knows Christopher Maurice Brown. He's got the kindest heart and I am telling you, he was simply using self defense as Rita was sexually assaulting him! That's my argument.
Judge: thank you Ms. bey-
Bey: it'll be Mrs. Brown after this honey.
Judge: *lightly chuckles* ok Mrs. Brown, you may go back to your seat. For right now everyone, recess. We will continue this in 10 minutes.
The judge goes to the back in his office and I turn and see Beyoncé walking twoards me. We stand infront of eachother for a second and we both tear up and hug eachother and give the biggest sloppiest kiss. We look back and everyone smirks and leaves the room to go to the cafeteria in this building.
Chris: *whispers in her ear* you know, I was imagining you bent over this table, and I fuck this shit outta you. I wanna give you my dick baby. It wants to tell you how much it loves you and is sorry.
Bey: mmm *slides her hands in his pants touching his penis* I am gonna get ya outta he-
Chris: *smirks* follow me😈

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