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Chris POV
I wake up and see What in the hell? Beyoncé covered in blood sleeping next to me!
Chris: Babe? Baby?! Bey! I lift up and try and feel her pulse. Fuck there isn't a pulse! I felt a hand on my shoulder and turn to my other side and see huh?! Rita Whora! She tried kissing me but I push her off the bed and she butt naked. I'm so confused rn. I grab my phone and turn around to see Rita stab Beyoncé again! I push Rita into the mirror and crack it while gripping her throat.
Rita: you really gonna *choking* kill me and your baby?
I let go of her throat just a tad.
Chris: Ifucking hate you you cold blooded bitch!
Bey: Wake up!
I lean up fast and realize it was a dream. I look over at Bey who is rubbing my back.
Bey: you screamed you hate Rita. Do I have to murder her spirit?
Chris: haha, ya just might. *kiss*
We passionately kiss. But she pulls away.
Bey: y know I still no-mmm Chrisss
I kiss her neck and suck on her sweet spot. I make sure I make the kisses extra loud. I slide my hand under the covers and reach her pussy. I rub her lips a bit getting her soaked at this point and slide a finger in.
Bey: uhhh baby!
Chris: daddy makin you feel good huh? *kisses neck*
She can't resist and gives in. It only took 2 more seconds for us to start fucking again. An hour later we take a deep breath and I stand up and she tries but falls and crawls. I laugh and smile and lift her up.
Bey: whyyyy do you have such a big nice strong beautful looking penis? And ass? And these ribs, these thighs, this body, your sex drive and then nice juicy ol lips wit yo sexy ass eyes and uh! I can cum looking at you.
I kiss her and carry her downstairs. I lay her on the dining room kitchen and put her legs over my shoulders and slide back inside her and fuck her brains out.
Momma J POV
I come over and knock on their door but no one's answers. I feel so bad for them about dinner. I know they both hurtin by now. I use the spare key Chris gave me and I walk in and I looked to the left and saw my son giving Beyoncé the D. He is jack hammering into her and I'm traumatized and I pass out. Lawd have mercy.
Beys POV
I cum on his dick and he cums in me but his face went from lust to scared in 5 seconds. He's trying to pull out but we just let it all out on eachother first.
Bey: what's wrong?
He says nothing and turns my head and we see his mom on the floor passed out. Oooh shit! He pulls out and I tell him I'll catch up. He runs upstairs to get basketball shorts and runs back down and I crawl on the ground and pick up his obersized tee he left downstairs last night. He lays her on the couch and I catch up. He helps me sit next to her.
Chris: do you think she saw us f-
Momma J: yes and I wish I could forget.
Bey: I'm so sorry momma J, I-
Momma J: *leans back up* listen, I don't think that's right. You guys need to sort this out first and then get to makin love.
Chris and I look at eachother and I nod my head and he explains to her everything that went down with Rita.
Momma J: oh lawd have mercy. This is just a mes-
We hear a knock on the door. I open the door and these 2 cops jump on me.
Momma J: Hey get off my son!
Bey: get off my man!
They run over my one of the cops stop them both.
Cop 2: you're under arrest for the murder of Rita Ora.
B&MJ: he's inncocent!
Bey: do y'all even know who we are? Y'all ain't got shit!
Cop 1: I will have ya know that there's been witnesses and we just discovered surveillance she had in her home. Wanna fight it?, take it with the judge. Let's go trash bag.
Bey is about to run up on the cop as they walk me to the car but my momma holds her back.
Momma J: no no no Baby, we'll get him out. Damnt! I can't risk you going in either.
Bey: you right your right. Baby *he sits in the seat and shoved the cop outta her way and kisses him*
Chris: I love you baby.
Bey: I love you too don't worry! We're gonna get ya out!
Beys POV
The cop slams the door and they hop in the car and speed off.  FUUUCCKK!
Momma T: what in the hell?!
I turn and see her and Richard and I tell them everything. They shake their heads in disappointment.
Momma J: and I caught their freaky asses doin it on the dining room table when I walked in.
Mom comes over and is ready to beat my ass.
Momma J: you're lucky your grown. Why in the hell did you have sex with him after what he put you through??
Did I really just say that to my mother? And infront of Richard and Chris mom? What has his dick done to me?
Momma T: I will not support Chris getting out. Come talk to us when you've reached your senses and leave his ass.
They speed off but Chris mom stands behind me.
Momma J: well I still support y'all. Come on, I've got his lawyer on speed dial. If there's footage, how tha fuck am I gonna help him prove innocent?

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