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Beys POV
I'm too scared to turn around. I slowly look back up at the mirror.
Bey: did you escape?
Jay: nope. They let me go. Knew a guy who knew a guy.
Bey: you touch me, I'm fucking screaming.
Jay: I'm a changed man Bey. I went to a few therapy classes while in jail. I wanna apologize.
Bey: how did you know I was here? *turns around facing him*
Jay: I'm here to pick up take out and I saw you come in here. I just wanna apologize for everything. You don't have to forgive now. But I made this song for you. *hands her a cd with the song titled on the cd. 4:44* it's about if everything had worked out and what I apologize for. I was in a fucked up place.
Bey: *takes cd* thanks now get the fuck outta my face
He leaves but before he opens the door, look at me.
Jay: I still love you Beyonce, and I know that you love me too.
Bey: no, you're wrong. I don't anymore and I never will. And you know why *smirks*
Jay: yes you do but why do you think?
Bey: because I'm having this baby wit Chris. He proposed already.
Jay: do you even love him?
Bey: more than I've ever loved you. If you wanna start your life over, start it with someone else. We're done. Except it.
He chuckles, shakes his head and opens the door the same time Chris does. Aww shit. Chris does an evil chuckle and pushes Jay in and locks the door.
They both stare at eachother. Waiting for someone to attack. Chris doesn't even look away from Jay.
Chris: he touch you baby?
Bey: no. Was just trying to tell me that's he's supposedly "changed" and got out bc he knew someone. It's not with it Chris, just let him go.
Chris moves aside and let's Jay leave, without a word. Something tells me Chris has an idea. An evil one. Chris turns to me and kisses me. I had placed the cd secretly in my purse so Chris dosent destroy it right away. I'm curious.
Chris: if he comes near you or touches you, I'm gonna kill him. I fucking mean it. *backs me up into wall*
Seeing his nostrils flare, the dark look in his eyes, is really turning me on.
Bey: oh yea. It makes you mad? *kisses him* how angry does it make you huh? *kisses his neck, making him moan*
He's so sexy when he gets mad. Next thing we know, we fuck rq and quiet. So parents don't get suspicious.
Chris:*whispers in my ear* I'm gonna fuck the breaks off of you when we get home. Daddy's mad and horny.
I think I orgasm at just the sound of his voice and that sentence. We came out and I see our moms laugh and rich laughing as well. We all have a nice rest of the dinner. I steal some biscuits for my man's in my purse. We all finish dinner and hug and go home, with ease knowing everyone is ok. I keep thinking about Jay though but I know Chris has something up his sleeve for revenge. He is really quiet. We get home and he opens the door for me. I don't move.
Bey: why are you mad at me?
Chris: *confused* why would I be mad?
Bey: because you've been quiet the whole ride. Christopher, I see steam coming out of your ears. Don't do anything you'll regret.
Chris: don't tell me what to do. I can do whatever I want😈
I step out and close the door and he pushes me against the car.
Bey: mmm and what does daddy wanna do? Hmm?
Chris: I wanna fuck you to shreds.
He truely is my drug🤤.
4 hours later(3am)
Chris POV
We in bed and we are taking a breather. I take her phone when she isn't lookin.
Chris: im gonna go take a phat piss.
Bey: *giggles* ya nasty.
Oh baby, you don't know how nasty things about to get. And it ain't for you.
Beys POV
He gets up and I slap his fat ass. He's got such a sexy lookin body. He got that nice booty too. He chuckles and I watch him walk into the bathroom and he closes the door? Oh, guess he gotta do the other one too? I take the time to look at the cd and play it in a mini player I have besides the bed. I'm too eager. I put my head phone into it and play it

I cried my eyes out silently. It was a sweet song but it dosent make me want him back. But it does give some kind of sense of clarity. Maybe he has changed? But the love is gone. Forever. What takin Chris so damn long? He been pissing for 5 mins? I hear him finish and flush. He opens the door and his fine ass in the light look so damn sexy. Luckily, I put everything under the bed just in time.

I spread my legs wide open giving him a view of where he should stick his big dick

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I spread my legs wide open giving him a view of where he should stick his big dick.

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