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I wake up and turn over to see WTF!! Jay?!
Jay: good morning baby!
Bey: what? How did you get in here? Why huh?
Jay: you left your door unlocked and I wanted to congratulate you! Plus we fucked last night.
I gave him the side eye.
Jay: Ok that was a lie. I just walked in 2 minutes ago. I wanted to congratulate you. On everything.
I look at his neck and see hickies. I slap his neck and he winced in pain.
Bey: you just couldn't help but to fuck even more hoes out there.
I grab him by the ear and drag his ass down stairs and open the door and Chris was about to knock.
Jay: you can't be mad at me when you fuckin this ugly heffa. You just as much of a hoe as me
Chris: aye *pushes him against the door from* she not a hoe! She's the most badass sweetest woman out here. Who was treated like shit from an ass hole who couldn't even fuck.
Jay: *punches Chris in the face* you don't know shit so watch yo self. I got shootad and I'd be real careful what you sa-
He punched him in the face and they both start fighting. I try prying them apart.
Bey: y'all stop this Shit! Getting blood all over my floors😩

 Bey: y'all stop this Shit! Getting blood all over my floors😩

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I'm worried for Chris sake. Jay pins him down on the ground punching Chris in the face hard and I could hear his had smack the ground and at this point, Chris stops fighting and barely conscious! Jay is gonna kill him! I kick Jay off of him.
Jay: don't you see Bey he a weak ass
Bey: *kneels down next to Chris holding his head* hey baby, wake up! Wake up baby! I'm so sorry!
I look up and give the evil eyes to Jay. We both stand up.
Jay wakes up finally and looks at what he's done.
Jay: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I-
He look at Chris then back at me and just walks out the door. I hear Chris groan in pain.
Chris: I won't ever mmm let a man ah! Disrespect you like that oww
I kneel to his side and I help him stand up and his face is really banged up. I sit him down on the chair in the kitchen and grab first aid products and come over and sit infront of him.
Bey: put your head up baby.

Bey: thank you Chris

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Bey: thank you Chris. I appreciate it but I can handle myself. His words don't bother me. Alright, this might sting a bit.
Chris: nothing will hurt worse than my heart.
My eyes water again. Those words broke me. I put alcohol on the cut and he dosent even flinch. My poor baby. I bandage it up. While he has his head pointed up, I kiss the sweet spot on his neck making him moan.
Chris: please don't.
Bey: don't what?
Chris: don't give me hope.
I sigh.
Bey: why did you come he-
Chris: cause you dropped your second phone the other night. *hands her phone*
Bey: well thank you.
I clean up the blood on his face. His shirt was covered in it too. I pull his shirt over his head and off and Daammnn he's so damn sexy shirtless. I want that D again. But control. Gotta fix the damage I've done to him first. I didn't even notice I was staring hard.
Chris: Bey ya there? Your drooling.
Bey: *gulps* um sorry. Damn, blood everywhere on ya. You know what, go hop in the shower upstairs then we can talk some more ok?
Chris: ok. Thanks Bey again.
Bey: ofc baby.
He walks upstairs and I go with him. He goes in the hallway bathroom and he takes his jeans off. I grab a towel from the hall closet and hand it to him. Mmm I want that dick so bad again.
Chris: You gonna come in or...?
Bey: *giggles* nah. Have fun in there!
He laughs and I close the door on that fine ass man. It's taking everything in me not to go in there and bend over infront of him. I hear him singing with that beautful husky voice of his. His song "Yeah X 3".
After minutes off him showering, I was watching tv on my bed. When all of a sudden, I see him walk in with just a towel around his waist. And the Temptation is serious!

I can see his dick print right there

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I can see his dick print right there.
Chris: don't stare too hard now. Are my clothes done in the wash?
Bey: yyy-yea Um lemme get it.
He does a heavy smirk knowing damn well what he's doin. I get up and he follows me down stairs and into the basement. I'm soaking rn. I lean down and go into the dryer when I feel him push his hips against me, grabbing my waist. I moan. I get them out and he pushes me lightly against the dryer. I look down and see his towel on the floor. His kisses my neck and rubs my breasts. I turn around and he takes the clothes outta my hand and changes infront of me. What a damn tease.
Chris: what? *puts his shirt on* remember you said you don't know if ya ready yet. So I'm not gonna fu-
I kiss him furiously but he backs away. I'm so horny, I need that big dick inside me. But he's right, we gotta talk first.
Bey: mmm fuck your right. Omg!
I grip his shoulders and I feel myself soaking. I'm bout to cum with nothin inside me.
Chris: what baby?
Bey: *whispers* I'm gonna cum Chris. I need I need ahhh
He sticks in his fingers in my panties and slides a finger in me and I cum on his finger. I moan soo loud it shocked him. He pulled it out and put it in my mouth. My pants are now drenched.
Chris: lord woman you was horny af.
Bey: mm sorry dad-ba-Chris
Chris: *growls in her ear* yknow I'm your daddy. I think you need to get undressed baby girl.
He pulls down my pajama pants and panties leaving me exposed. He unbuttons my shirt and I throw them in the wash. I see his dick stiffen. The sexual tension is so high rn.
Bey: Chris. I'm gonna I'm gonna!
We couldn't help it any more and he gets on his knees slurping me and I cum instantly on his tongue as he grips my thighs. He won't let up either. He slams me up onto the washer and spreads my legs open eating me out. I couldn't count the amount of times I squirt and came within the 8 minutes.

He lets me down and he wraps his towel around me

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He lets me down and he wraps his towel around me. He carries me on his Back and go back to the bedroom. He puts me down and I grab some clothes.
Chris: I'll be downstairs
He shuts the door and I get dressed. I look at myself in the mirror and take a deep breath.

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