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1 month later...

Beys POV
It's been about a month since all that shit happened and apparently over 100 gang members have been arrested! 100! I've gotta be in the clear by now. I've had my home relegated and fixed up and stayed with Chris for 2 weeks. By force and choice. He wanted to make sure I was safe. Our relationship is strong as hell. He brings me soo much joy and laughter and man oh man that sex drive. Today, I'm in the makeup chair getting ready to announce to the world my status with Chris and the addressing the incidents last month. Sir John always know what's best.

I FaceTime Chris cause he's in the studio recording for his next album already

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I FaceTime Chris cause he's in the studio recording for his next album already.
Chris: Sir John, you fired. Baby you ain't need all that make up.
Bey: Chris stfu! You leave Sir outta this. I'm his income 🤣 I'm just playin.
Sir John: it's ok cause I quit.🤣
Assistant: Beyonce, you're on in 3 minutes!
Bey: shit! Already? Ok. Alright baby, ugh, I'm so nervous.
Chris: just be you baby. I love you and call me after. I'll be watching baby, cheerin you on.
Bey: what if people hate me for it and I lo-
Chris: You do know you are the Queen of the industry, shit the queen of the world. Ain't no one finna say shit. They gonna come after Jay. And no matter what, I'm always here for you baby.
Bey: aww, thank y-
Sir: Beyonce, you otta soak up them tears forming rn. I know I ain't spend all this time for it to be messed up.
Chris: yes for real babe! Get yo shit together! Finna ruin $100 make up.
Bey: y'all can Smd.
Chris: I mean you can suck mine🙋🏾‍♂️
I can't with this man. We kiss eachother through the phone and hang up. I get dressed and I walk into her living room and give her a hug.

Oprah: hello Miss Beyonce! It's nice to see you again!*both sit down*Bey: I know last time I saw you was when I was wit destiny Child

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Oprah: hello Miss Beyonce! It's nice to see you again!*both sit down*
Bey: I know last time I saw you was when I was wit destiny Child.
Oprah: and now you are the self performer we knew you would be. First off, I wanna say how amazing that Super Bowl performance was! The best performer out here!
Bey: aww thank you!
Oprah: but I think we should get right to what everyone is talking about rn bc we are still all concerned even thought it has been around a month now since everything happened. So, what has been going on with that whole ordeal?

 So, what has been going on with that whole ordeal?

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Bey: well. I've been much better-
I tell Oprah what had happened that whole week and I even got the camera people cryin.
Oprah: oh honey, I'm sorry, you have been so strong. So strong. But I'll tell you one thing, I wouldn't doubt if Jay was behind it all. I think you just-you did the right thing by being so strong and only thinking about your daughter who I'm sure is with loving parents. And one day, when the timing is right, y'all will rekindle with eachother. You'd be such a great mom.
Bey: thank you I appreciate it.
Oprah: I think we should also talk about that fine man of yours, Mr. Chris Brown.
I blush immediately.
Bey: I don't know what you're talking about Oprah? He's just a friend🤣
Oprah: mmhmmm ok miss Beyoncé. Trust me now, I know love when I see love and y'all are in love.
Bey: I was very hesitant dating Chris because yknow once the love of your life constantly cheats on you and can't take it anymore, you start to wonder if all men are like that. It's more of a trust thing I have. But Chris has been an amazing boyfriend.
Oprah: aww you hear that y'all she is dating. We have it on camera now. Beyoncé he really is your guardian angel though. We've seen the leaked pics of you and him together. It's the way you guys look at eachother and the constant laughing. The way he makes you smile and you've got a bit of a glow now. You just look more...alive.
Bey: you took the words right out of my mouth. I'm so grateful to have him in my life. And it's crazy how we were well are still fans of eachother and now to dating. But again, taking one step at a time. Jay was really my first real relationship.
Oprah: that's the way to go. One step at a time.
We wrap up the interview and it felt more like a therapy session than an interview. We hug and thank eachother and then I start to head out. Before I leave the door, Oprah taps me on the shoulder scaring me.
Oprah: sorry, but can I just warn you on something. Not to trouble you darling but just...be careful yknow o-
Bey: his exes? Oh yea I know. But I'm a Houston girl, there ain't no competition😌
Oprah: haha, that is right.
We hug again leave all tho that last comment about his exes left a bad taste in my mouth. I hop into the chauffeur car and they drive me home. I FaceTime Chris but it immediately hangs up. Huh. He must've done that by accident. I call again and he hangs up on me again. He ain't eva do that. Even if he was in a meeting or something, he would answer and say call ya back. I'm sure it's nothin.


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