Date Nightttttt

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Beys POV
I'm gettin ready to head over to Chris soon. For our lil date night. He figured it'd be nice to be at his house first so no rumors spread. But tonight, I wanna tease the fuck outta him. I put on a revealing dress that I know will drive him wild but we won't be fuckin tonight. He's sexy af but I just still wanna take my time.

I finish up and leave and get in the car and head over

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I finish up and leave and get in the car and head over. I'm surprised that he acutally dosent live that far away.
Chris POV
I am so frantic at the moment. She finna be here any minute and I ain't done makin the food just yet. All of a sudden, I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over and open the door and my mouth drops on the ground. She ain't got no bra on, her tities are almost out, the dress comes just below her booty cheeks and that sweet perfume of hers is intoxicating. She know damn well she teasin me already.
Bey: well you just gonna stare or let me in?
Chris: cc cc come in *gulps*
She gives me a hug and oooh fuck. I feel my dick start to hardin. As soon as we break from the hug I turn around and fix myself.
Bey: mmm it smells soo good in here
Chris: I know you from the South so I'm makin some southern food. Lemme show you around tho.
I show her the rooms in the house until I forgot the stove is still on and the corn bread is in the oven.
Chris: oh shit! The food!
I run downstairs and make it just in time. I take the food out and prepare our plates. I pour us a glass of wine and put the plates on the table and have slow music playin in the background with candles on the table as well.
Bey: wow! Chris, your house is soo cool and nice! I mean an arcade downstairs! That's so cool! And your art work is so nice! This food looks beautiful!
Chris: thanks Bey*blushes* ah forgot one more thing.
I go back to the stove and put some more food on her plate. All of a sudden, I see a flash and she took a picture of me.

 All of a sudden, I see a flash and she took a picture of me

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Bey: sorry, but you look so cute cooking. *giggles*
I chuckle and I finish setting up her plate and we sit at the table and so cheers with our wine glass. She took a bite out of the chicken and she moaned so sexy.
Bey: damn boy, your cookin skills good af.
Chris: only for the best
We chat and eat and get to know a lot about eachother. We finish and start getting a bit tipsy. I'm just waiting for one of her tities to slip out. Other than her rocking body, I really do admire her face and she don't need that make up. She's so beautful like her personality. She's just so damn real and respectful. She not like any other girls out here that don't talk and just wanna fuck.
Bey: *laughs* wait so she really farted! While y'all were fuckin! That's nasty af!
Chris: trust me I threw her ass out real quick. Almost ruined sex for me ever again. What's worse is she's the one that leaked that photo!
Bey: *laughs harder* omg! That's fuckin hilarious!
We talk and laugh some more. I stand up and grab her plate but she shoves my hand away.
Bey: it's ok. I got it. You cooked. Lemme help-
Chris: nah you my queen! Can't let ya do that!
Bey: you're so sweet.
I clean up a bit and pour us a bit more wine.
Chris: you wanna watch a movie? I made brownies too but they still scortching hot. Like your dress.
I made her blush real hard. I just realized something!
Chris: aye wait! Isn't that the dress you wore in your commercial for your perfume?

Bey: damn, you remember that? Chris: ofc! I just said "wow, that woman is so damn beautiful"Bey:*laughs* why because of my tities and ass🤣Chris: nah

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Bey: damn, you remember that?
Chris: ofc! I just said "wow, that woman is so damn beautiful"
Bey:*laughs* why because of my tities and ass🤣
Chris: nah. They beautiful but the way you know how to walk and make yourself look strong af.
Bey: thank you baby. You be makin me blush all night.
Chris: I can say the same.
We go into the living room and I search through movies.
Bey: there!
Chris: haha! Titanic?
Bey: sure why not?
Chris: ok.
We sit and watch and I put my hand around her waist as she nestles her head into my neck leaning. We enjoy the moment but she leans back up and stares at me.
Bey: I don't mean to get so personal and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But what happened with your dad? I told you about mine so I figured I'd ask about yours?
Chris: my dad beat my mother up when I was lil. He was always so angry after my mom had me. I used to try and hit him when I was 7 so he could stop hitting my mom but he hit me instead and would shove me in my room. Then act like nothing happened the next day. I used to pee my pants in my room bc I was too scared to come out of it. He left the next year and it was me and my mom ever since. I can never forgive myself for being scared to come out of my ro-
She lifts my head up.
Bey: Christopher, that wasn't your fault baby. You were so young and that was a tough situation you had to go through. What is important is that you and your mom had eachother for all those years. And you still close with her now.
Chris: thanks Beyonce. And she wanted to meet you the night of the concert but she didn't make it back stage in time.
Bey: from what you told me now and before, she sounds like an amazing woman. Who did a great job with you.
I kiss her again. But on the cheek. Cause I know if I kiss her lips again, she might end up pregnant and married by the end of the week😂. We watch the movie and talk some more. We get to the scene where Jack and Rose start havin passionate sex. And then I turn and finally see it! Her nipple has popped out a bit. I get hard again. This time I gotta really fix myself.
Bey: yknow I've always wanted to recreate that scene. Where my man's would put his hand on a window steamy. While just releasing all up in me.
She suddenly realizes what she just said and I'm really about to fuck her up. I can tell she cravin dick. I doubt her camel lookin ass ex husband never dicked her down. She looks over and sees my tent in my pants.
Bey: um Chris I'm so sorry but I'm just uh. I am not ready. My heart is still broken and yknow I-
Chris: no I completely understand Bey
I respect her decision 100%. I'd never pressure her into it. I totally forgot I got her a gift.
Chris: listen, I know it's January and Christmas passed already. But I've got somethin for you.
Bey: oh Chris! You didn't have to! Fuck! I wish I had know or else I would got ya somethin.
Chris: nah you Queen I gotta gift ya.
I run over and I try to fix myself in the other room trying to flatten my dick with my underwear but it ain't workin too good. I get the small box from under the Christmas tree that I keep meaning to take down. I walk back over and I swear I see a wet spot under her. I sit back down twoards her. I hand her the box and she smiles and opens it and her face freezes.
Bey: there's no way in hell you coulda known.
Chris: known what? *smirks*

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