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Beys POV
I wake up and Chris is still knocked the fuck out from last night

MorningBeys POVI wake up and Chris is still knocked the fuck out from last night

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He fell asleep with his dick still inside me. I pull him out slowly feeling a flood of our cum flow out onto the sheets. He's semi hard leaking. I grab a notepad from the nightstand and a pen and write down baby names. Because I know I'm definitely pregnant now. As I'm writing names down, I keep thinking about Jay song. I shouldn't but it was just the apology I have been waiting for, the real one. I think I wanna meet and talk with him. I try to stand up and my man's is knocked the fuck out. Usually once my ass leaves the bed, he's right up with me. But I know I wore his ass out. Imma need a cane soon. I throw on a nice outside and call Jay. He picks up right away.
Bey: that's my name. You wanna meet up for breakfast? I wanna talk.
Jay: sure, Benedict's diner?
Bey: yes thank you.
I don't know if Chris will be completely on bored with me seeing Jay for breakfast but I'm sure he'll understand. I ain't sleepin with the guy. I get ready and kiss Chris on the cheek and leave. I get to the diner and I see Jay come as soon as I'm sat at the table. We sit in the private section in the back and many people in the diner were in shock. I give him a weak hug cause I'm still not cool with what he did. But the damn song. The server comes and we order our usual from when we used to be together.
Jay: so,
Bey: listen Jay, I appreciate what you wrote in that song. That's what I've needed to hear for soo long.
Jay: you know me, music is the only way I can express what I can't sometimes. I've done you and Chris dirty and wrong and it wasn't right. I've gotten so much rage in my life growin up ya know, but I needed help and still do. So I'm still getting help and can hope to better myself.
Bey: well thank you for apologizing-
The server gives us our food and leaves.
Bey: listen, I just needed to tell you that this song was my closure. We obliviously should part ways at this point but leave off on a note. I can't deny you were my first love. We had Blue but under shitty circumstances. Maybe one day, we can all revisit her and explain. But for now, it's time for us to part and I thank you for writing what could've been and why you did what you did during our relationship.
Jay: thank you and I respect you wanting to part ways as well.
We eat in silence and he pays. We give eachother a minute long hug and a goodbye until we meet again. I get in the car and ofc paparazzi are everywhere.
Paparazzi: are you getting back with Jay z? Where's Chris?
Oh shit! Christopher!

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