Chapter one

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'Juliet, I don't have time for your daily dose of stupidity. Pick those up and then, if you feel like your education is of any value to you be in the car in the next ten minutes or you walk. Either way works for me'

Sandy had been up and preparing her siblings for school since 5:30 am.

Mum was out for a job as usual; Dad had a late night and Duncan was just as well missing from home. Somewhere racing his life away.

She was never one to complain, on the contrary she enjoyed being entrusted with so much to do. At least she knows she can nail home care without breaking a sweat.

If only Juliet would respect herself and do what she was told for once in her existence.

'Well, good bye! I'd rather walk than ride with you anyway!' Jules yelled from somewhere upstairs.

Silently saying hallelujah, she picked up her youngest sibling that she was getting dressed and hitched him on her hip.

Every teenager is entitled to hormonal enhanced phases. She just wanted Jules to outgrow hers already even though she just began.

As soon as she strapped Jack into his seat, alongside Barb; she stood at her car door and counted to ten before going to inform their Dad that they were off to school.

Opening the door as quietly as she could manage, she walked up to the visible lump on the bed.

Gently shaking her dad out of habit rather than necessity as he would probably have woken up either with their shouting or when she opened the door.

'Hey pops, we're off', she whispered.

'Okay, Jules down yet?', he asked, voice heavy with sleep.

'No, but we all need a good exercise once in a while', Dad chuckled.

'Alright, just make sure she's aware that she's walking. None of the drivers are on the compound',

'Will do', she kissed his forehead and left the room. Hollering in the hallway that Jules should catch the bus or walk to school.

As soon as she entered the car, she first separated the fight going on in the back seat before speeding off down the road.


Just another day....

Jules thought as she headed out of her ballet class.

Sandy had kept her word and left her to go to school and her dad ignored her which if she was being honest she was grateful for. Her dad was strict, but definitely not as mean as her mum.

She had gotten out of the house before he decided to come looking for her that morning; she really wasn't looking forward to being grounded.

Her dad's groundings were the worst and mum had no problem throwing hands.

Quickly picking up her bag she briskly walked to the exit just in time for Sandy to pull over. She really loved Sandy; admired her even but the girl could so get on her nerves without breaking a sweat. Little Miss perfect!

She scoffed as she opened the car door and got in. Next stop was the pre-school area to pick the kids up.


Sandra pulled into the drive way and waited for the kids to come out before she drove to pack the car in the garage. A bike caught her attention.

Her mum occasionally used her bike but this one definitely belonged Duncan.

With a big smile she walked into the house and threw herself into his waiting arms. Duncan was really the best big brother out there.

'Hey little mother!',

'Hey bro! did you just come in?'

'Nope, you drove past me at the gate and she walked past me on the walkway', he said pointing at Jules

'There's no way none of us saw you!', Jules said from her position on a chair in the dining room.

'But he did', he pointed at Jack who gave a smile.

'Oh, so you guys are doing that bro code stuff now right?'

'You betcha!', Duncan bent to give Jack a high five.

As they bonded and spoke about Duncan's exciting life, their father came into the living room wearing just sweat pants.

Hey dad, Hi daddy, hey Pops, hey old man, and Barbie's cute papa was heard.

'Hey kids', he greeted as he went to retrieve whatever brought him downstairs.

'Sandy, homework before dinner', he said from the fridge.

'Sure pops', as he came back Duncan followed him behind and asked if he switched his workout routine.

'Why', Jason asked his son

'Well, those eight are still eight and I follow exactly was you gave me but I'm still with six. What am I missing', he asked as they both walked into Jason's office.

'Years of practice, go bother your siblings I have work to do',

'Need help?'

'Nope', he called back as he put on his glasses to continue his work.

At about midnight, Dad knocked on Duncan's door where he was catching up with Sandy.

'Off to bed you two, you can continue tomorrow ',

'Okay dad! Goodnight!',

'Night dad!',

No matter how grown they were, their house their rules.



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God bless you 💞

A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now