Chapter eleven

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'But I don't wanna!', Barbie screamed over the phone.

'You know what? Go bug the woman that gave birth to you! I refused to be roped into whatever this is!', Jules said making Sandra laugh.

This conference call was giving her more headache than it was due.

'Sandra you're not helping', Duncan reprimanded, but she was very sure he was doing it for laughs as Sandra laughed harder.

'Oh it's just so funny hearing Jules trying to act mature. Like what on earth happened to the most immature person to walk the planet?', she resumed her laughter.

'She grew up!' Jules replied in defense making her two older siblings laugh harder. Barbie apparently was tired of being ignored.

'You guys!', she whined.

'You're still gonna go little girl', Sandra said through her laugh.

'But I don't want to go to Mexico! Can't I come to Brazil instead, or even Paris! I'll be good I promise!'

'Annoy me is what you'll do while here', Jules said but she remembered how once upon a time she too didn't want to join the family for a trip back home to Mexico. She had Sandra as her escape.

'Fine, but only for a week because I'm going back to Mexico afterwards',

'Thank you! At least I won't be stuck with the kids'

'Honey, you're a kid', Duncan said before bidding them goodbye.

Inhaling she unpacked her bag from work. And briefly scanned the school work she had to get done before the week ran out.

She finally decided to give school and work a try together, her days just got more hectic. But she was determined to do them both.

Looking through her kitchen for something decent to eat, her phone ringing dragged her attention.

Groaning when she saw Gabe's name, she answered.

'Hello Gabriel!',

'Fake cheer is not your thing baby, now come and let his royal handsomeness in!',

A scramble on the other side followed by a hey! from Gabe and she heard Lola's voice.

'S'il te plait, ignore-le, viens aider avec la porte'

(please ignore him, come help with the door)

Sighing she went to let her best friends in. Her eyes bulged out when she saw the thousand and one bags they were carrying.

'You guys?!', she hoomped under the weight of the bag Gabe dumped on her.

'Stop complaining and help us move them to the kitchen', Gabe said as he turned and lifted more bags.

'What's going on?', she finally asked.

'Well, seeing as we've been living off of your kind and loving heart. Genius here decided we should surprise you by grocery shopping for you!' Gabriel said with excitement.

'But this is too much for one person!', she turned with a bewildered look at Lola.

'Duh?! We're eating too!', he promptly tore open a chocolate chip cookie pack and helped himself.

'Yes, once we started he couldn't stop', she pointed at Gabe who was smiling widely.' And besides we'll feel less like freeloaders', she shrugged while unpacking more bags.

Books forgotten, they arranged most of what was bought and had to stop because Gabriel kept complaining that world war three was happening in his stomach.

A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now