chapter fifteen

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'Hey old man, wanna teach these kids how real music is made?'

'If you're calling me old man, you really do need a mirror',

Mum and Uncle James somehow always found a way to entertain the family at their family gatherings. Their friendship was something to be really envied. Even after years, marriage and kids, they were still a tight unit.

'I did, and I can give you a run for your money',

'No argument given, what do you have in mind?'

Ian and Matt soon joined them on the stage with their chosen instruments. Catching Ian's signal she reluctantly went to join them and provide some vocals. Iris of course had a team of voluntary dancers on the spot.

She found herself actually enjoying it, this was what she needed. Time away from Paris and time to reconnect with her family. A time of cleansing, revival if she was being honest.

Mama Becs had been giving her some subtle but noticeable looks. She just hoped she'd come out of this unscathed.

Soon enough the couple made their entrance and they gave way to the hired musicians. Soon she was cued in for 'can't help falling in love'. She simply adored the song, and of course the next one she was doing.

Drawing a deep breathe, she let out a low hum and mellowed her voice to sing the first lyrics;

Wise men say,

only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you?

One thing she'd learned about music was that it always sets an ambiance wherever it was used. It brought its own atmosphere! And now was no different. She was content to have helped set it.

James and Shelby were lost in their own bubble, Iris and Evan were also wrapped in theirs. God gave me you soon followed. By now all the couples were up and dancing with their partners.

This is what love was, something to be celebrated. But she had nothing to celebrate as she'd given in to lust and infatuation. As she watched her family celebrate love she knew what she felt or thought she felt wasn't it. Wasn't even close.

Humming to end the song she caught Mama Becs' eyes again,but this time she smiled. Giving a shaky smile in return she quickly left the stage to go hide in her room.


'Hey, where did you run off to?'

'Dunny?' She sleepily asked. She'd barely slept for five minutes when her phone rang

'Should I be offended you don't know my voice? Or have I been replaced?', trust Duncan to blow things out of proportion. She laughed.

For someone who had passed through the kind of hell he'd recently been through, he was actually doing great.

'Not a chance buddy, the love was too thick in the air. I needed a breather!', she ended with a yawn.

'More like some shut eye, anyway I'll soon be heading back. Chopper is already gearing up to leave in fifteen, so you wanna see your favorite older brother or go back to sleep?'

'You're my only older brother' she scoffed

'My point exactly'

'I'm coming down, where?'

'The roof silly! I told you chopper is gearing up!'

'Sorry, half of my brain is still sleeping'

'Well wake it up and be here in five or I'll leave with your gifts'

'You should have started from there see you in two!', she quickly pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top before dashing out to see her brother.

She ran into his open arms and he spun her around before setting her on her feet.

'Is it just me or have some meat been added to your bony structure?' He asked while scrutinizing her.

'Its very impolite to call a girl fat, plus it is virtually impossible for me to add weight!', she hissed while striking a pose.

'You've even gotten a behind!', he totally ignored what she said which made her gasp and try to see the said behind that she'd gotten

'Made you look!'

'Come on Dunny that's not funny! ', her hidden fears playing on her conscience.

'I'm kidding baby how are you? Come give me another hug'

'My gifts please', she said instead.

'Here you go', he gave her the bag pack he was carrying.

'I'll look at them much later. How are you though? And Symphony?'

'We're good actually, and I hope we'll do what's best for each other at the end of it all'

'Hope so too, I'll come visit you pretty soon'

'I'm counting on it, bye Julie-bean!', he turned and walked to the chopper.

'Bye Dunny', she whispered and waved as the chopper took off.



And sharing is highly appreciated

God bless you 💝💝

A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now