Chapter nine

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'So Lola, what does dancing mean to you?',

The radio host asked. They had been roped into a radio podcast, well Julie roped them in as she was the one invited.

'Well, it's more of energy outlet. It's played a major role in defining me and I totally enjoy it. Especially how we get to give life to stories, music, poems you name it',

'That's a great one, and look we have our first question from our audience. Okay, this is Liz asking who is the most fun of you three?',

'Me!', Gabe said smiling widely as the two girls rolled their eyes

'You need not ask, I am the life of the partay!', the host laughed as the girls groaned.

'Well that covers one part, the other question was who is the most annoying?',

Jules and Lola pointed to him without hesitation.

'Oh please! You love me that way',

The radio host laughed at this. 'I love you guys already. So our next question, how irresponsible would you describe yourself as? I'm guessing this is directed at you Gabriel',

'Of course. Let me put it this way; I'm pretty careless but I like to follow rules ish? Don't know if I'm making sense,

'You're not', Jules cut in immediately.

'Wait for your turn baby, it's my turn to shine. As I was saying, its like I'm maniacally, carefully irresponsible. Yes that explains it better. Lola is probably rolling her eyes and Jules just threw her hands up in an I give up motion',

The radio host nodded, looking red from holding in laughter.

'But bottom line is, I'm irresponsible. I live all the responsibility to Lola, she's better at it if I'm being honest. But I do help out, she's got a mean streak when she's had it with me', he smiled at Lola.

'Okay folks, Gabriel Fraise in the house!! Over to you Miss Rodriguez, how's the life of fame treating you?',

'Not bad, at least I have maintained most of my privacy. All in all it's fun, I get to do what I love and get paid while at it', she smiled at the thought.

'That's wonderful, rumour has it that you're a Christian. How's that working out for you?',

'Great actually. It's helped make me who I am, kept me grounded and thus far I'm yet to receive a role that compromises my faith',

'Wow, so what if you're scripted for something that's against the faith? I'm asking because a lot of people think Christians have no business in the limelight, myopic I know. But if you're ever given a role that brings your faith into question, what will you do?',

'Bringing my faith into question means it's not consistent with the will of God, and that is a terrible place to be in as a Christian. So no, I'll turn it down',

'Those are strong words sister. I myself am a Christian and it's lovely to hear someone affirm their faith without stuttering. Thank you all so much for your time. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Gabriel Fraise, Lola Beaumont and Juliet Rodriguez.

Have a great day, and see you later on celebrity scoop. A'urevior!!',

'And we're off. Nice job guys', someone informed them.

'That was great guys, I look forward to having you guys here again. I really enjoyed it', Blaise the presenter shook their hands and gave Gabriel the hug he wanted and a picture for his fan base.

Leaving the radio house, they had coffee together before breaking up for their other activities for the day.

Rather than take a cab home she took a bus as the night air was balmy and inviting for a walk.

Her house was twenty minutes from the bus stop at a leisurely pace which she intended to do, her head phones were plugged in and placed behind her ears as not to block out all sounds but still hear the music clearly.

Feeling a burst of energy she started off her playlist with God's not dead.

Let love explode and bring the dead to life
A love so bold to see a revolution somehow🎶

My God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion

God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion

He's roaring,
He's roaring,
He's roaring like a lion

She saw a man stumbling into the road. At first she wanted to mind her business but after being narrowly missed by a car she walked up to the man that people were ignoring as he stumbled along and saw that it was Mr Louis.

'What on earth? Are you okay Louis? Stupid question, what way is home?',

Though disoriented he was able to give her an address. She made him sit somewhere while she asked around and was shown the way there.

Stumbling through his door she's laid him on the couch she first laid her eyes on.

He had an open house which made things alot easier for navigation. She scrolled through her phone to know if she'll find his wife's number under the phone numbers sent from the movie crew but it wasn't.

Heaving a breathe she pulled his legs onto his couch and made to live but he grabbed her hand.

'Stay', he said

She looked at him as though he was crazy and bid him a good night.

Once home she put off her music and went to change for bed.

Finally welcoming sleep her phone rang, she picked up to a drunk Louis crying over the phone asking her to come stay with him.

She cut the call, called a crew member who gave her Love's phone who she then called and explained the situation to her.

'Oh thanks Julie, I just turned around for a moment and I couldn't find him. Don't worry he'll be fine. He's a big boy, I'll be home soon enough. Good night',

She had an unsettling feeling after that conversation. But she couldn't go to their house tonight. Maybe she'll check in on him in the morning before she left for work.

Saying a prayer for him, she closed her eyes and slept like she wanted to.


Stretching out before her shower, her phone blinking caught her attention.

Battery low? How?

She realized she didn't put on the socket when she plugged in her phone.


So she put it on before going to take a shower and face her day. Coming out she went to the said phone and put on the music from the previous night.

By the time the song was over, she was dressed for the day and was dancing to the door.

Her part on the movie scene had been fully recorded and reviewed so she was free to waste her day. But she'd chosen to hang out with the camera crew. The lesson on lightings for  picture was still playing on her mind, she needed somewhere to practice.

As soon as she shut her door she remembered that she wanted to check in on Mr Louis, so she headed to his house which now that she thought about it wasn't that far from her house.

She rang the bell and she heard shouts, like two people going at each other.

Knocking she found the door opened and let herself in while yelling hello.

Following the noise she was lead to a living room where Mr Louis and Love were having a shouting match.

'Umm, guys?', she was tried grabbing their attention but it wasn't working and she asked herself what exactly she was doing there?

Turning around she left and headed for the studio to bother Jason and his camera..



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A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now