Chapter twelve

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The music washed over her as she synced her moves with the rhythm. It's been weeks since she had to dance, now it was time to remind her body how to move.

Too used to dancing in front of an audience, the need to relearn to retreat into herself and find her centre was high.

Praise from every nation had been a song she fell in love with as a preteen. And the routine they had to learn then to be able to dance with the adults was nudging at the back of her mind.

Those were the days.

The bell rang.

Just great.

Opening the door she was surprised to see Mr. Louis.

'Salut ma chere, Je suis désolé de passer sur toi, j'espère que tu n'es pas trop occupé'

(Hello my dear,I'm sorry to just drop in on you, hope you're not too busy)

'In a way, come in. Do make yourself comfortable, I'll just make some coffee', she headed to her kitchen while he sat on the chair she pointed at.

She couldn't fathom his reason for visiting, or how he knew where she lived. But she was going to be courteous.

'Here you go', she placed the coffee pot and cup before him. And also a tray with milk, sugar and honey on it.' Help yourself',

'Merci, but I prefer it as it is. Noir!',

(Thank you, black)

Choosing to ignore his accent which for unknown reasons seemed more pronounced, she too got comfortable on a seat across him.

'So how may I help you Mr Louis?'

'Just Louis is parfaite'


'If you insist',

'Yes I do',

'How may I help you then Louis?

'Argh, actually I just wanted to see you. I know you're wondering how I know your place but I have my ways and yes you're very safe from me',

'You have a funny way of showing it',

'I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself',

'Okay, so you were bored and sort me out?', she asked to be sure.

'Yes and no, as you know Love and I are passing through some challenges in our marriage. So I've opted for us to do some marriage counseling',

'That's great news. At least now you'll have an opportunity to start a fresh',

For unknown reasons she felt her heart sink at that comment. She didn't have any delusions about liking Mr Louis, but this. This was strange.

'Yes yes, at least let's give it one more try before we close the pages on the marriage. Quatre ans ne devraient pas être gaspillés sans trop d'efforts.

(four years shouldn't be wasted without much effort)

'I totally agree, I'm really happy for you guys. This is really great, maybe you'll find peace through this',

'Oui, I attended one of your church services while you were away. It was quite enlightening. You know I never had the opportunity to grow up in church as a child. Mon père ne voyait pas cela comme une nécessité et maman ne s'en souciait jamais. So yes, thank you for the invite',

(my father didn't see it as a necessity and mama never cared)

She was so so happy, he finally honored one of her invitations.

A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now