Chapter ten

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She'd barely been in church due to her work schedule, but today she had blatantly told them she wasn't doing that anymore, she was going to church

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She'd barely been in church due to her work schedule, but today she had blatantly told them she wasn't doing that anymore, she was going to church.

And she was late for the service.

She sighed in relief when she stepped in and realized the message was yet to begin.

Looking up she caught the eyes of the new pastor on stage which made her try to sink into her seat. He looked amused, then he began his message.

'Good morning saints, today we will be talking about The word and your experience.

Our first scripture is coming from 1 Timothy chapter six verse twelve. Its already on display so let's read together; 'Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses'.

There're people who say they pray and don't receive answers. Some others lament that they gave so much to God, but never received much in return.

There're also those who say, "I've been speaking the Word over my body for a long time, yet I'm sick." If you've found yourself in a similar situation, here's something you should know: Your experience should never affect your confidence in the Word.

The Word never fails'.

He looked at his congregation, making eye contact with some people.

'The Word of God is truth, irrespective of what your experiences might be. Just because it's been several days or months and there's still no change as you expect doesn't mean the Word isn't working.

You must understand that Christian growth and maturity is progressive and there's a fight of faith.

There's also the issue of your limited knowledge of the Word. Perhaps you don't know enough on the subject you're dealing with. Therefore, what you're supposed to do is to keep feeding on the Word and exercising your faith. It's a training.

If, for example, at a certain time in your life, it took you a while to use your faith to accomplish a certain goal, don't be discouraged.

Rather, grow your faith to the level where it can produce that same result anytime you want it! If it took you three months the first time, tell yourself, "Next time, I'll get it in a week or even less." Then, begin to study and meditate on the Word with your new goal in focus.

That's how you train yourself in the Word and in the faith life; you don't give up! You stand your ground, confident that God's Word will prevail over circumstances and put you over all the time.

You might be thinking that its easier said than done, that is definitely not true. Christ already did all the work, what is left is for you to recognize this and live in this reality. Let's see some more scriptures;

Jonah chapter two verse eight; They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy."

Romans four verse eighteen through to twenty; 'Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;"

Hebrews eleven verse six; 'But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

Did we get that? Set your gaze on the right things and build your faith because Romans eleven verse six says its impossible to please God without faith. Now would be a great time to bow your heads in prayers, thank Him for His words that have come to us today.

If this is your first time in church, now would be a great time to make Jesus the Lord and master of your life. Come forward, don't be shy about it. This is your moment!'.

A few people responded to the call and they were promptly lead to salvation.

'For the rest of us and of course our new converts, let's bow our heads and say this prayer :Dear Father, thank you for the veracity of your Word. Irrespective of the adversities I face, I stay on your Word! Every unfavourable situation aligns with my nature as an associate of the God-kind. I keep my eyes on the Word, and I win always, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

God bless you all!',

After service she picked up her scripture card.

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. 
James 1:14‭-‬15 KJV 

What a scripture. She started mulling about it when he phone buzzed, a call from Mr Louis.

Just great.

'Bonjour Monsieur Louis, ca va?',

She partially listened to what he was saying till something caught her attention, she asked him to repeat himself.

Then she changed route and went to his house.

Pulling up her purse, and setting her shades on her head she accepted the silent invitation to come in.

'I have to say you look great in a full skirt', his voice was husky. And if she recalled he sounded the same way on the phone but she chose to ignore it.

'Thank you',


'No thank you.How are you by the way?',

'I'll survive. I'm sorry about the other day, I don't usually drink so much. Life seems to f**k with me at the wrongest of times', he tried smiling through his blood shot eyes.

It looked painful.

'Yea, only if you let it. Did you need anything or?',

'Actually I just wanted to see you. And also to thank you, someone else in your shoes would have left me to my devices but you didn't. For that you have my gratitude', he reached for her hand which she withdrew.

'Yea well any decent person would have done the same', she said awkwardly. Silence followed

'You're unsettled. I don't want you uncomfortable around me Julie, I really mean you no harm',

Pity stirred in her heart towards him. She had good reason to be weary around him but she could at least relax a bit. That way she could be more helpful to him.

'There's something my mum thought me to do as a little girl whenever I was scared, wanna try it?', she asked out of nowhere.

Mr Louis saw the olive branch and all but dove for it.

'Close your eyes, empty your mind and think of nothing but God. Let's give it a try, breathe through it', the familiar warmth filled her and for a moment she forgot she was doing this with someone.

'Relax into it. In Jesus name, Father I thank you for this opportunity to bring your peace into this house hold. And I pray for shalom to dwell in Mr Louis' heart from now on in Jesus name, amen',

He said amen after a while. He looked considerably better. This made her smile, but she knew it was time to go home.

'I might come check in on you later. Try to stay away from the bottle, it does more harm than it actually helps', with her purse firmly placed on her shoulder and her shades on her head, she headed out of the door.

She felt happy to have brought peace to him. She made up her mind to pray more for him.

He was a lost soul in need of guidance. And there was no better guide than the Lord himself. Maybe now he would actually listen to her message and let the Lord heal him up.

With a renewed resolve, she took strides towards her cab.


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