chapter twenty

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'Good morning saints, today we'll be talking about the Word of God and how it is exactly what you need in your life. I sure need it every single second or i'll make a very crappy preacher', the church laughed at this.

Bishop really did have a way with communicating his messages.

"Let's see wat Psalm 100 vs 140 holds for us. It reads thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it. Amen.

God's Word is God's creative material. Its power is unlimited. The Word created all things, and is effective today as ever. His Word to you at any time in your life, regarding any situation, is all you need.

Think about what He did with King Solomon; how did God make him the wisest man that ever lived, until Jesus? It was with words! He appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and asked him, "What do you want?". 1 Kings 3 vs 8-9 tells us he asked for wisdom and understanding.

God didn't "open" Solomon's brain to deposit wisdom inside; like most of you parents sometimes wish you can do with your kids', the church laughed once again. Especially those who could relate. 

"All He said was, "Solomon, you have it!" He said to him, "Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee" .

'Blessed be God! The moment Solomon received those words, they became to him and in him what God said. Wisdom and an understanding heart were imparted to the man. He did the same with Abraham; He said, "...thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee", (Genesis 17:5)

Abraham had no children, because his wife was barren, but God said "Your name is now Abraham, because I have made you a father of many." From then on, it didn't make any difference what the physical circumstances were; he refused to consider his aged body or Sarah's dead womb and began to confess what God had said about him. 

His Word to you is all that matters; that's your victory. Not what you're looking at , neither is what is happening. But his word is your victory

Romans 4 vs 19-20 says, "And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God." 

'That's how it works: when God says it, and you respond by affirming the same thing, His Word to you becomes; it prevails in your life and circumstances. Hallelujah! Let'stake these few confessions and when you get up make your own affirmations based on what the word says about you and see your life transform!'

'Through the Word, my spirit is enlightened; I have insight into mysteries and secrets of the Kingdom. I'm unconquerable, because the Word of God is my life, producing in me what it says. I'm strengthened by the Word today, to reign and rule over circumstances, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

'Before we call it a day, there's something important i need to point out to you. Don't go killing the fruits of your confessions. I give you an example, don't go saying life is hard after you've confessed that when men say there's a casting down i'll say there's a lifting up. That's just wrong, tailor your words to go with your confessions', 

The service ended shortly after the message was shared and they left for the Sawyer mansion for Sunday brunch. Mama Becs had it in her head to fatten Jules up and it was working in Jules opinion. At six months she felt like a cow already.

The rest of the family had come to know about her pregnancy soon after she told her parents.

Well the Grandmas caught it with their keen eyes, the others were told during one of their family devotions. The support she got rocked her on her feet.

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