chapter twenty five

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She smiled in relief as she began her count down in the last month of pregnancy.

As her new routine was, thanks to Zion who helped her find a way to do what she loved she stepped out of her room to engage her dad in a little dancing.

'I'm getting too old for this', he'll always say

She'd smile and say 'I know but you'll do it anyway',

Duncan had been popping in much more around the house, Jason threatened to disown him if he didn't leave his wife alone.

Said wife ignored them both as she worked on her laptop.

'Baby have you had something this morning?', Nora asked getting responses from four different people.

'You need to specify who you're talking to mum', Barbie said from the living room.

'Specify what? I'm the one she's talking too', Jason said making Nora roll her eyes.

'Julie have you had something yet?',

'So that's how it is huh? Come on Barb, let's go get pregnant!', Duncan said making Barb shrink away.

'No thank you! Go find your accomplice elsewhere!',

'Wanna share your pregnancy?', he turned to Julie who said

'Sure! Have at it!',

Nora shook her head and went back to work,that was until Jason's lips got close to her ear.

'I'm still your baby right?', he whispered for her ears only.

'Mhmmm', she gave a non committal sound knowing how he'd react and he didn't disappoint.

'That all I get?', he spoke now looking directly at her.

She answered him with a sweet kiss first then said, 'Go away',

'This isn't over',

'Of course',

'Parents, we're still here!', Duncan spoke up.

'And you won't be if you don't mind your business!', Jason said.

'Stop being a grouch', Nora said facing her husband fully.

'Kids fix breakfast, we'll be back', she pulled him with her.


'Mum', she whispered as another wave of pain hit her. She didn't know what to do, she was more than 3 weeks early.

'Dear Jesus' she screamed as another pain hit.

Nora didn't know why but she suddenly opened her eyes, it was till dark out. Looking at the time it was just shy of 1:30am.

Deciding to check on her babies she rolled out of bed which woke Jason up.

As she opened the door she heard his gruff voice, 'leave the kids alone babe. They are probably sleeping or up doing something they shouldn't be doing', his eyes were still closed.

She walked around to his side of the bed and placed a kiss on he forehead and on his lips.

'Then you'll enjoy punishing them come morning, I'll be quick', he grunted in response while she went to check on the kids.

All of them were fast asleep, all but Julia who she heard her groans before she got to her room.

She opened the door with speed and found Julia trying to get to the door.


'Oh baby! Already!! Let's go downstairs! Jason!!!!!!',. Thundering footsteps which sound indicated more people were coming revealed Duncan first and Jason.

'Duncan go pull out the SUV, Jason come carry her down', she said but the men swapped instructions.

'Your dad shouldn't be driving without his glasses!!', she scolded but Duncan already lifted Julia into his arms, ignoring the wetness of her gown.

'Mum she'll be fine. Let's go, Barbie get her bags!' he yelled at the shadow he saw closing in.

The ride to the hospital was a short one. Aunt Moira had the night shift so it was a seamless admission.

'Alright honey, your water broke yes. But you're not fully dialated, remember your breathing exercises? We'll walk through them when the pains start, you ready?',

Julia shook her head no.

Aunt Moira smiled and said, 'you'll be fine baby'.

The family soon gathered around her and began prayers.

The Sawyers soon arrived, alongside Zion as he was still around.

After 9 hours that felt like three eternities wrapped up in one, Julia welcomed her twin girls!

'Mum!', she cried as she held them.

'I know baby, scans sometimes miss them. You're now a mommy!', Nora tearfully said to her as she looked on the little perfections resting on Julia's chest.

'I still can't believe it', she whispered as the nurses took the girls to clean them up.

'Well it's very real baby. And mom's going to be here every step of the way.

'So tired', she mumbled. Nora looked to Moira who nodded her head that it was okay.

'Sleep baby, mummy's here', were her last coherent thought before she let sleep take over.


Babies are here!!!!!

Now, what to name them....


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A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now