chapter seventeen

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Few days back ....

Louis was confused. He couldn't find her anywhere.

She'd literally fallen off the face of the planet, Louis couldn't find her when he woke up. All attempts to reach her had been futile, even her house had been another dead end.

The maid who he got to know as Sarah had finally taken pity on him and told she wasn't in any mood to have visitors.

Even the people she lived with hadnt seen her ever since she came home that morning.

He could make sense of her withdrawal. But they needed to talk about what happened, at least to get a form of closure. He hoped she wasn't reeling in grief, it took two people for it to happen. She didn't need to be weighed down by it.

Now he was at her door once again but a little brunette answered this time around. He recognized her as one of her best friends and dance buddies.

'Hello, how can i help you?', at least she was polite.

'bonjour, je cherche Julie',

(hello i'm looking for Julie)

'oh tu viens de la manquer, elle vient de partir avec sa soeur'

(oh you just missed her, she just left with her sister)

'pardonnez-moi, mais savez-vous où ils sont allés et quand elle serait probablement de retour?'

(pardon me, but do you know where they went and when she'd probably be back?)

'I wish i could answer that but i really don't know, Sandy just said that she'll be back but not when that'll happen',

'Oh, if it's not much of a bother can i have a contact that i can reach her with',

'Non, Sandy said we would be called. Sorry, Sandy is bossy that way', she shrugged.

'Merci, I'll keep trying to find means to reach her. A'urevior',

The day had not gone how he wanted it. But he had to settle on the fact that she was fine.

Now he had to try and find Love. At least he owed her an explanation on recent happenings, hopefully she wouldn't kill him.


Back to the present.....

She sat in church as the thanksgiving and wedding anniversary celebration for Bishop. If the news of his heart attack didn't scare anyone it nearly gave her one. Life was indeed too precious to be hung up on trivial things.

At least she was thankful for Iris, love had found her at last. Looking over her shoulder she saw Iris sitting next to Evan who held one of her hands. This one would last, she was very certain of it. His love for her was palpable.

She then snuck a look at her phone call log and sighed.

She'd responded to no one that wasn't Lola or Gabe. She was in the same house as her siblings so she didn't need calls to reach them.

A hand held her free hand, she looked up to see her mum smiling at her. Everyone seemed to know she needed some time to herself and had given her that. Even mum that would usually badger you till you spilled had been nothing but being a silent shoulder to lean on.

As the reception rounded off she quickly checked with the security team as it was their responsibility to make travel arrangements. She didn't care where, she just wanted to leave.

Dad was skeptical at first but he told her it was fine.

'Baby, I don't know what is eating you up. But never feel that your mum and I will be anything but supportive to you. I won't pressure you to say what it is, and i'll hold off mum as long as i can', she'd hugged him cause she didn't know what to say to that.

A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now