Chapter four

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They had been given a role in the movie as lead dancers.

If they thought their classes were hectic, this was downright crazy.

Juliet felt pains in new places that she never knew existed in her body.

As she stretched before they started the rehearsals, she prayed to be able to complete the day without killing the choreographer.

The guy was a pervert, but he was great at his job.

Not too far from her Gabriel and Lola were having a conversation which she chose to ignore.

A clap signified the entrance of the choreographer.

'Good morning mes amis! Hope your night was as lovely as mine. A'urevior darling, see you later!', he waved his secretary away who left with his over coat.

Rehearsals began immediately.

Jules opened the door to her apartment and was greeted by the sight of flowers on the table close to the door.

With a note attached to the mirror on the wall from her house keeper.

Found these at your door when I was locking up. I saw the card and brought it in.

P.s it is kinda cute. Sarah

To this she laughed.

Sarah was more of a friend than a house keeper. Mum had insisted she got one when she saw her schedule for the movie.

And she didn't regret chosing Sarah.

Waking up the next morning to a message declaring that they could have the day to themselves as they were way ahead of schedule in their routine, she smiled.

Jules could have done a jig if her butt wasn't hurting.

She would be glad when her body adjusted to the new vigorous routine.

Going on a limp, she pulled out a tub of greek yogurt from her fridge and some diced fruit. She was reaching for a spoon when her door opened revealing a pajama clad Gabriel.

Shortly followed by Lily wearing the same attire.

Living in the same building was a blessing and a curse since Gabriel refused to understand the concept of personal space.

Jules had to give him a key so he would stop knocking her door and ringing her bell like a maniac.

'Please, I want real food and not that glob you're having', he said in form of greeting and went straight to her fridge where he sighed at the sight of last night's marc and cheese.

Lola picked her own spoon and joined Jules to have what she was having for breakfast.

'Gabe close the fridge or I'll tell Sarah it was you who let all the food go bad and she'll install the fingerprint sensored locks on it',

'You're mean. Tell her we want Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner',

'And she says that'll cost you an extra hundred dollars', Sarah had come in while Jules asked him to close the fridge door.

'You're mean!', he whined then said; 'Jules will pay you',

Lola who had been quiet the whole time spoke up.

'Good morning Sarah, how was your night?',

'My night was great Lola, how are you?',

'I'm okay. Need any help today? We're free',

A groan from Gabriel was ignored though Sarah assured them that she would be done in an hour as she had done everything the previous day.

Gabriel wasted no time in getting comfortable in the living room and put on smallville.


The movie premiere had been a blast, especially with the special presentation by the dancers afterwards.

Jules was still high on adrenaline rush, she was giggling with Lola for no reason.

She bumped into someone and immediately went on to apologize.

'Oh I'm so sorry -', she was struck by the color of his eyes. The brown was so light that she thought of refined honey.

'Sorry', his voice was something else. Or she really shouldn't have let Gabriel talk her into a second glass of red wine.

Shaking her head to clear it a bit she said,

'I'm sorry, too many sips of wine and excess energy to burn',

The stranger chuckled.

'I'm Toby, and you must be Jules. The producer was full of praise for the red head that stole the show. Miss Priscy was positively enraged as your ovation beat hers, so do well to steer clear of her',

They all laughed as this was the precise reason they were leaving through the backstage door.

'Well Mr. Toby, we were already pre informed so if you don't mind we really need to be on our way. A good night's rest should cure anyone of murderous notions towards this cute face',

Gabriel smiled making everyone laugh and bid Mr. Toby good night.

'He's cute',Lola said when they were seated in the car.

'I'm cuter', Gabriel grumbled.

'Sure you are honey, please take us home', Jules spoke to the driver who did as asked.


The slight headache that she woke up with was enough for her to agree to never let Gabriel talk her into anything she didn't want to do.

Speaking of Gabriel, she left her room to look for him as her apartment was the closest being on the third floor.

She found him, rather them sleeping soundly in each other's arms on one of her couches.

Weird, but sweet. Lola in her opinion was too sensible to be with Gabriel, but what did she know?

Afterall they said opposite ends attracts or something of that nature. She never liked physics anyway.

Quickly she took a picture before going to see if she could feed herself.

They had a week before they had to return to classes. And after this experience Jules felt she would appreciate her teachers better and actually breeze through this thing.

Mumbling coffee Gabriel tried to grab the toast she made for herself.

'Fat chance', she slapped his hand away making him whine like a two year old denied candy.

' I don't know why you're so mean to me. Lola she's refused to feed me!', he whined to Lola who shook her head and went to the sink to drink some pills.

'The next time he tries to get us drunk, let's dunk him in a river or something. My head hurts!', Lola said to Jules who nodded in approval.

Gabriel rolled his eyes and still stole the toast before leaving them alone.

Jules closed her eyes for a minute while she lay on her bed.

All in all she was grateful for the experience. The classes, rehearsals, recording. She was thankful for it all.

She smiled as she remembered the last flower delivery. This time a phone number and email address was added.

She'd send a thank you mail tomorrow, but for now she needed her bed more.



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A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now