chapter eighteen

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Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:10 KJV

Nora and Jason sat in Jason's home office waiting for Juliet to tell them what she wanted to tell them.

Sandra sat next to Jules, making Nora question what exactly she wanted to tell them that she thought having Sandra was a pre-requisite for that to happen.

'Mum, dad. You pretty know everything about my life in Paris, you supported me even when I was too young to venture out on my own. You still supported my decisions and helped along the ones I was making a mess of, for that i'm thankful',

'Sweetie, you don't need to thank us for helping you fulfill your dreams to the best of our capacity. Not only was it our duty as your parents it was an honor and of course because we love you immensely. Surely you know that?', Nora was almost breaking down. Why would her baby have doubts in the security of her parents?

'I know mum, I just wanted to say it. That i never took it for granted',

'Oh honey!', tears brimmed her eyes making the ones in Jules eyes drop.

'I'm sorry mum! You taught me to be better than this, you did what you were meant to do and i messed up mum. I'm sorry',

'Honey, what is it? Please! I can't fix what i don't know is wrong', she left here she was seated and pulled her daughter into a much needed hug.

Lord help me!  she screamed in her mind.

'I'm pregnant mummy!', it was said so low but Nora heard her. and held her closer. She was married and knew how her first pregnancy was terrifying for her, she could only imagine how Jules was feeling.

'Oh darling, it's okay. We'll fix this alright, we'll take good care of you both', she whispered as she held her baby girl really close.

'I'm sorry mummy",

'Shh, i know darling. Mummy is here', she cooed and cuddled her.

Both mother and daughter didn't realize that Jason and Sandra had left them to have a little privacy.

When she was calmer, Nora spoke up after clearing her throat.

'Do you know who the father is?', she asked in a low tune.

'Yes mum, he's married',

'Alright. Want to tell me about it?', she gave a brief version of how she met Louis. How it started as a soul winning movement, his marriage and marital problems, drinking problem, how she helped, how she got involved and finally how the night happened.

'Okay, well i'll be honest with you that is not ideal. This isn't what the bible teaches us, but it's done. Now what we'll do is deal with the consequences, and  we're going to pull through this as a family. Have you told this Louis that he's going to be a father?',


'Do you want to?',

'Not really. I think I've done enough to hurt that family',

'That is your decision and I'd respect it. Now how exactly did you confirm the pregnancy?', and on it went till Nora booked her for her first appointment.

After their heart to heart, Jules finally felt better and returned calls she'd ignored. First being to Love who told her something she never expected to hear.

'Louis told me what happened, we've started therapy. I'm not okay with it, but I'm willing to forgive and make the marriage work. ', she had stuttered through the call. Not knowing how to respond to that. She expected her to cuss at her or show some violence.

Louis made more sense and apologized for what happened, she too apologized and decided she wasn't going to tell them about the pregnancy, not even in the future. She'd let the devil use her once, she wasn't going to give him a chance to solidly use her and ruin what they were trying to fix.

Her final call was to Lola and Gabe.

'I'll be gone for probably a year or two. But when i'm back it'll be to finish school or rather just continue my life as it was ',

'Are you sure?, Lola asked

'Nope, but i'll be fine',

'Don't miss me much', Gabe said after a while.

'Yea i'll try and no you can't have my room. i'll be back before you know it',

'Alright, i'll keep him in line. Say hi to mum and dad',

'Will do',after she'd cut the call and smiled. Now she was ready to face whatever life would throw at her, this was going to be one heck of an adventure.




God bless you💞💞

A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now