Mission 11: At The Tower

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Stiles had imagined what it would be like inside the Avenger's home. He had always thought of strange and not safe for civilian occurrences. When Happy, Tony Stark's personal driver picked them up, he had imagined some highly comical scenarios, like being welcomed by daggers and arrows, even lightning bolts.

But this? This wasn't exactly what he expected. Except it was kind of the logical thing to expect because despite their superhero inclination they are all still human, or part human, and this was how humans naturally act when they are in their homes. Clint was perched on the head rest of the sofa while Black Widow and his uncle where busily surfing through their tablets. Thor and Steve shared a couch. Steve was reading some files, classified Stiles assumes when he closed it when Stiles and Jackson arrived. Thor was happily munching on some Poptarts.

"Oi, Stiles and Blondie!" Clint shouted when he saw Jackson. Stiles waved at the archer.

Jackson growled at him. "Stop calling me that. I have a name. It's Jackson."

"I know, Jackie!" Clint said and winked at Jackson, eliciting another annoyed growl from the werewolf. It only made the archer grin wider.

"Sorry about last night, Stiles." Phil said, smiling apologetically at them.

"Is cool."

"Are you wearing make up?" Phil asked as he set aside his tablet.

"Who? Me?" Stiles pointed at himself. Phil nod. "No. It's real. Last night, I looked up some healing spells so maybe I can help heal Iron Man because he was pretty banged up yesterday. I tested on myself. And voila good as new." Stiles grinned proudly at his accomplishment.

"You could also do that?" Steve asked, staring at his face, curious and amazed.

"Apparently yes." He smiled at Steve. "Though it consumes a lot of energy and time. It took me more than 15 minutes to heal just one bruise. I have to eat a lot this morning." Then he remembered something. "Oh yah. Speaking of eating, I've brought something." Stiles said, showing the box filled with brownies.

"I call dibs!" Clint shouted excitedly.

Everyone watched Clint dived for the box. Stiles moved it out of his grasp. Clint pouted at Stiles and was about to make another grab for the box but Jackson growled at him.

"You baked didn't you? I knew I smell something familiar." Phil said, smiling at him. Stiles gave the box to Phil. Phil opened it and smiled as he took one the he passed it around until everybody has one. Clint happily took two.

"Hmmm... this are really good." Steve said. Stiles grinned proudly and he just hoped Jackson wouldn't be an ass enough to call on his feelings or whatever scent he was making.

"Yes, Shield Brother. This is heavenly, Stiles." Thor boomed, through a mouthful and was already reaching out for another one.

"My mom's recipe. Best in the world." Stiles said, proudly. "So where's Tony? Or am I not allowed to know about that?" Stiles asked.

"He's here in the Tower. Doctor Banner had him moved yesterday when he was stable."

"You mean when he woke up 3 hours after the surgery and started bitching about military bedside manners." Clint said, talking through a mouth full. His cheeks were puffed up full like a chipmunk with an acorn in its mouth. Two brownies were on his hands.

"That's one way of putting it." Coulson said, standing up. "I've already discussed your living arrangement with Mr. Stark and Doctor Banner. He had prepared a room for both of you last night. Follow me."

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