Mission 27: Dynamics

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A/N: I was going to make this a longer chapter. Might change it later to expound everything that I truncated because this is really not the style I was used in writing this Story. Hope you enjoy it. And I saw the demographics  for this story, and wow, I can't believe there are readers from Europe and South America, and Africa. I just hope you all enjoy it in spite of my grammar and spelling.

Stiles smirked at the terrorist.

"What? You're gonna spray me to death?" Stiles, rather Spark, asked chuckling.

"What the-" The leader of the terrorist asked before he looked at the weapon he was holding. His eyes widened and dropped the thing he was holding. His weapon turned into a water gun. "What sorcery is this?"

"Mine actually." Stiles said and snapped his fingers. Thick vines sprout out of the water gun and wrapped around the terrorists, securing them for the Authorities. Stiles waved his hand around and turn all the bombs into chocolate bars.

Stiles turned to the police and saluted before teleporting back to the tower. When he appeared in the middle of the communal floor, he was welcomed with applause by the team. Stiles theatrically bowed.

"Love the comeback, Stiles." Tony said. Stiles grinned at that. "Now, how about some celebratory food. I know you bakes some blue berry muffins last night."

Stiles rolled his eyes but he pointed at the table and a stack of blueberry muffins and lemonade juice appeared. The team immediately dug in. Even Natasha didn't hide her fondness of his bakes. Not more so than usual.

A hand touched Stiles shoulder. Steve beamed brightly at him. "Good work, Spark."

"Thanks, Cap." Stiles said.

Steve took two muffins from the tray and offered one to Stiles. Stiles grinned at Steve and took the blue muffin from him. Conversation flowed, laughed echoed from one another and all the while Steve's hand never left Stiles shoulders. Stiles couldn't help himself but just savor the moment.

Stiles could feel Jackson's eyes on him and the curiosity strumming from Clint's bond. He chose not to mind them. Because he knew things were changing. Something was shifting around them. Stiles couldn't put a finger on it. But he knew he belonged here with the team, with Steve.

After the Chthon incident, the team let Stiles and Jackson sit through mission briefings. Only the ones permitted by their level of clearance though. Which was still a step higher. They asked Stiles and Jackson for their ideas, suggestions and comments. Steve had asked Stiles to put some input in the team's strategy because somehow he always had an idea outside the box. It might sound insane at first but it works. And he could literally pull a magical miracle. That was a major plus. Tony was bummed that he was no longer the unpredictable trump card.

Stiles didn't notice the shift in the dynamics immediately. It only came to him when Steve asked if Stiles could help with a situation in Chicago. It was non magical and was not an end of the world situation. But there had been a huge number of possible casualties that can be caught in the crossfire. Steve asked Stiles if he could do something about it since it was a weekend and training had been rescheduled due to the said situation. That was when Stiles realized that he was no longer just an agent in training. He was already an Avenger.

After that they were requested more in some minor operations. A simple get something and go type of deal. Which was okay really because it wasn't extremely dangerous.

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