Mission 21: Elvis Sang That Song

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A/N: Kept rewriting this chapter cause it veers to a very sad, depressing and triggering direction that I am simply not comfortable writing but finally, I've hit a magical blend of nostalgia, sadness and hope that I wish may convey the feelings I want you all to feel.

Pls vote for Sterek ^_^

They finished their training before lunch. Stiles teleported Jackson, Clint, and himself back to the tower. Teleportation was becoming easier. He had been using it to move himself around the tower, popping in and out like a bubble just for the sake of practice. For a few times, he hand been able to wordlessly teleport himself.

Steve had suggested he used his magic on parts of his daily life so he would get used to it and use it like second nature. Practice makes perfect, right. Besides, Cap suggested so who was he to ignore it. It was not every day Captain America would personally work on your training.

So it was not uncommon to see some tableware floating from the cabinets and arranging themselves when someone entered the kitchen. It wasn't easy at first. He'd broken several kitchenware the first week. Heck, he made the sink explode and busted the pipelines when he just wanted to turn on the faucet.

Bruce was livid, or as livid as the mild manner man could be without turning green. Stiles was sure he had almost popped a vein. Kitchen were meant to be sacred. He almost got banned from the kitchen. Tony brushed Bruce's anger with a hug and promised to revolutionize the pipeline industry tomorrow.

But it got better the succeeding days. His control got better. His drops got lower as the days passed. And now he just need to only look at something before it comes floating smoothly down the table.

Steve was the only one present when they arrived. Bruce and Tony were probably holed up in their lab and would not come out any day soon. Stiles learned very early on that the geniuses could get so absorbed in their experiments that they wouldn't come out even for food. Natasha was also out and might be taking down a criminal mastermind as they speak or who knows what.

Steve smiled up as soon as he saw them. "You arrived just in time. Sit down and eat with me."

"Gladly, I'm starving." Stiles said and sat beside Steve. Jackson and Clint sat at the opposite side. "Whoa, this is a lot Steve."

"I passed by your training this morning. I knew you'd be hungry so I made more than usual."

"Thanks." Stiles said.

Halfway through their food, Steve cleared his throat and asked Stiles if he will be busy later.

"No why?"

"I was thinking maybe we could watch that movie later."

Jackson chocked on his food. Clint dropped his spoon and fork. And Stiles wanted to pretend it wasn't happening but damn he could feel his face heating up like it was on fire. Coz even if he knew what Steve actually meant but the wrong idea caught him fast. Steve bless his naïve, golden heart was oblivious to what was happening. The soldier was looking at him hopefully.

"It's been a rough week. And I did ask you. It is very rude of me to keep postponing it."

"Oh my god." Clint said as he stopped trying to pound the food out of Jackson. Jackson could only stare at them, eye bugling owlishly. Stiles looked at the two then back at Steve.

Steve frowned. "But if you have something else to do, we can do it some other time." His smile dimmed and there was a bit of disappointment in his eyes. Stiles angrily kicked his packmates under the table to get their marbles back.

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