Mission 20: Vibes

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It was not like Stiles was really paying attention but the vibes he sensed were strong. Whenever he came to the Triskelion, it prickled his skin like a breeze of hot air on a hot summer day. Call him crazy, but he just had to find where it was coming from. There was a hum of something powerful and ancient inside the Triskelion. He didn't know what it was. But it was gentle and non-maleficent. There must be a reason why such force was staying in the world's most powerful security agency.

Stile hadn't felt it during the first few time he'd been in there. But ever since he dabbled in clairvoyance to make sure his dad wasn't eating food he was not supposed to eat, he started to sense things that were out of ordinary. Non-humans became more distinguishable from ordinary humans. They stood out from the crowd like bright neon signs on a city of fluorescent light.

Sometimes he could sense the people nearby him. He would know it was without looking to check. No matter how thick the wall is or whatever it is made of, he could feel them. And there is the almost constant awareness of his pack.

Stiles halted. He counted under his breath and let his senses stretch, piercing through the walls and floors and through the whole building. He begun tracing where that power was coming from.

His legs started to move on its own. It didn't even register to Stiles that he started walking or moving. Until, suddenly he was standing in front of a desk. There was a man looking up at him and his hands stilled with holding his papers.

"Mr. Stilinski?" The man asked. Stiles shook his head and his senses snapped back. He saw what he was looking for. It was a shield agent. Blonde hair, blue eyes with a strong jaw and youthful face.

"Where am I?" Stiles asked mostly himself.

"HR department. Did you got lost?" The man answered him.

Stiles blinked, still a little light-headed from the limited omnipotence power trip he just had. He had never gone that deep before. "Kind of. I was actually looking for you."

"Me?" The man asked, bright blue eyes blinking in bafflement.

Stiles nodded. "Kind of. I just didn't know it was you."

"I don't understand, Mr. Stilinski."

Stiles perked up upon hearing his name. "Wait. You know me?"

"Everybody in the level 7 HR knows you and your friend. You caused quite a stir. Had us all frantic trying to find out who you are and everything that has to do with you."

Stiles cringed, apologetically. "I'm sorry." Stiles said.

"So what are you doing here?" The man asked curiously.

"I don't really know." Stiles admitted, looking around the room. "I'm a little confused myself. I was just tracking the source of the vibes and it lead me here... to you. What are you?"

"I'm a SHIELD agent." He stated.

"No. I mean what are you?"

The man looked at him with confusion. "I'm level 7 SHIELD agent? I handle human resource-"

"No no no. I'm asking what kind of supernatural creature are you. I'm a spark. A magic user. You? What are you?"

"I think you got the wrong guy, Mr. Stilinski. I'm just human with no powers or special skill. Except for standard SHIELD training."

Stiles had to step back. Every word he said was true. He meant it. But the force in him told another story. Was the man not really aware of what he is?

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