Mission 31: Crimson Light

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A/N: Okay, this is the penultimate chapter. I recommend reading one of my story 'Hazy Blue Flames' before you read this chapter. It'll make this a little less cryptic and give you a bit more feels. but it can be optional. As always enjoy! =)

When they got back to the tower, they found everyone absorbed looking at their tablet. And when Jarvis announced their arrival, everyone looked at them like they were caught stealing cookies even Natasha looked a little chastised. Then they were making excuses that they were supposed to be doing something. The BUS team and his uncle made a quick exit. Toy and Bruce had to fix something in the lab. Thor needed to feed his pet.

They were left alone with Natasha and Clint and Jackson.

"Help me make diner, Jax." Stiles said and they went to the kitchen.

Stiles saw Steve join Clint and Natasha on the sofa.

"Should we tell them?" Stiles asked through their bond.

"They'll find out sooner than later. You don't mind, do you?" Steve said.

"They're our friends. Our family. They deserve to know." Stiles made and eye contact with Steve and they both nodded. "Let me tell Jackson first. He'll over hear you."

Stiles joined Jackson on the counter.

"We went on a date." Stiles piped as he offered Jackson an. He glanced at the werewolf, wanting to see his reaction.

Jackson smirked at him. "I know. Your excuse earlier was pretty pathetic. And I can feel it in the pack bond."

"Wtf? Really." Stiles was surprised at how strong their pack bond had grown.

"Really." Jackson said seriously. He took the onion and started peeling its skin. "So what's your score now?"

Stiles looked at Steve who was beginning his talk with Natasha and Clint. Sensing Stiles watching him, he faced him and gave him smile. Stiles smiled back without even thinking about it.

"We haven't put a label on it yet." Stiles answered honestly.

"But?" Stiles looked back at Jackson who was studying him intently.

"But it feels like this is it. Like I am meant to be with him. I think he's my soulmate." Stiles said.

"You got it bad, huh?" Jackson said.

"Yeah." Stiles said with a happy sigh.

"Look. I know Steve won't hurt you on purpose. But you haven't had the most experience in relationship. So just be careful, okay?" Jackson said thoughtfully.

"Oh man. You finally have a heart." Stiles joked.

Jackson rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Stilinski. And start helping me. You know I hate chopping onions."

After a while, Clint and Steve joined them. Natasha went somewhere else.

"All good?" Stiles asked.

Steve nodded. "Apparently, they already knew. They just gave me some heads up about the way things are in the present."

"I meant it when I said we don't have to do anything we're not comfortable with." Stiles said honestly.

Steve smiled at him. "I know."

After that, nothing much had change between him and Steve. They had always been together because of the training and everything else. Them being together as more than friends didn't change what they have been doing for the past few months. But there had been small changes like the lingering touches or Steve opening doors for him (really Steve? -Sorry, can't help it. hammered into me.)

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