Mission 28: Together, I Promise

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A/N: Sorry it took a while. Got a game addiction right now.  Almost done with the last 2 chapter. Might post it after a week or so.

Stiles was baking when he heard a something snapped. Stiles looked around but he couldn't find anything that made that sound. Stiles beat the eggs for the cake he was making but his mind was elsewhere. Dread made him shiver. But he didn't know why.

Stiles reached out to the pack bond and checked on his pack. Jackson was fine. Clint though... he seemed concerned. Stiles frowned. If he remembered it right, Clint was in Madripor along with Steve and Natasha. Something about stealing back a stolen weapon system going for sale. It had been two days since he heard from them.

Stiles' hand stilled from beating the eggs. "Jarvis, can you connect me to Clint?"

"Certainly, Sir." Stiles waited, his fingers taping impatiently on the handle of egg beater. Stiles heard a snapping again. And this time it was more pronounced. Stiles' dread double over.

"I'm sorry, sir, but it seems to be Master Clint is indisposed at the moment."

Stiles finger stilled on the handle and his heart begun pounding hard.

"How about his Avenger Card? Could you tap in?"

"No sir. I could not connect with Master Clint."

"Try Natasha and Steve."

"I have failed to connect Sir."

"Jarvis can you locate Steve."


Stiles was going to ask Jarvis to call Tony when he felt intense heat washed over him and just as sudden he felt his connection to Steve's totem suddenly gone.

Fear gripped his heart. Someone managed destroy the totem he made. Fuck, those were the best he can do. And now Steve is left without magical protection with someone powerful enough to overpower his magic.

Stiles cursed. He need to find Steve. He flung his senses open, further than he ever had attempted until he could feel the entire world. He found Steve. He teleported and appeared in front of Steve, who was standing with a deep angry burn on his chest.

"Steve!" Stiles shouted.

Steve tuned to his voice and horror painted on his face. Steve run to him and pushed him down. Stiles felt the same primordial power he felt when the eye of Agamoto opened. He saw a beam of red hot light pierce through Steve's shoulder.

Stiles forced himself to raise a barrier as they both tumbled down. His breath got knocked off his lungs when they came crushing down. He could see Steve grimacing in pain. Something hot and wet was dripping n his chest.

Something hit his shield and for once, since he discovered his magic, his shield cracked and shattered. Stiles hurriedly raised another one. He rolled Steve on to his back and got up. His shield broke again.

Stiles turned to where it came from and saw a man in green hood, hidden under a metal mask. It was Doctor Doom. He was holding a rectangular glass container with red liquid inside it. Whatever it is, Stiles was sure it was extremely powerful. The man was about to shot another one. Stiles didn't have time to raise a complete shield. He could only summon his magic to shield his front. His magic burned away and he was thrown back.

Stiles grunted in pain. He need to take that thing away from the man. He couldn't beat him with that in his control. Stiles teleport beside the man and paralyzed him with a spell. But when Stiles was about to grab the container, it begun to glow a dark red and started sapping his magic like crazy and black things were forming around them. He felt his body was burning.

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