Mission 14: Tip Top Shape

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Training was hell. There was no other way to describe it. At the end of the week, Stiles was sore at place he never even knew existed and could terribly feel that way.

Natasha was a slave driver and she never held back. She was as beautiful a woman but she was no damsel in distress. The first and the only time Stiles ever imply that she was some kind of a delicate flower, his ass had come crushing down harder than the London Bridge. Clint laughed at him like there was no tomorrow.

But, Natasha had taught him how to use his enemies' strength and larger difference in size against them, that it was not just about the amount of power but rather how you use that power. She showed him how to counter brute force with a perfectly aimed block. Her feet glided like a graceful ballerina and her hands strikes like the spider her alias came from. She was lethal.

And it didn't hurt, though quite outright scary, that Natasha has vast knowledge of handheld weapons. When Natasha showed him her wide array of daggers, Stiles almost bolted right out of the room but it freezes him impossibly still on his heels. But that might be because Natasha started throwing daggers like darts with an impeccable accuracy. He didn't want any of said deadly weapon imbedded in any part of his body. He might actually have peed in his pants a little. He backed several feet away from the master assassin just for safety reasons. He actually wanted to be alive after this training.

Clint had given him plenty of tips on how to spot advantages, how to make an opening, recognize fighting styles and patterns. He pointed out when Stiles leaves an opening on his defense.

Clint had introduced him to parkour and Stiles sucked at it. The free running part was A-OK. He'd been doing that for the past months from hairy, blood-lust raving creatures of the night. It was the jumping and climbing on walls and buildings he had difficulty. Sue his klutzy bones. It was genetic. His mother was worse. Phil told him stories and some of them were quite horrifying and equally fascinating to hear. Good thing he was a lot more proficient in healing magic. It got pretty messy onwards.

Clint had taken a shine on Jackson. They were always partnered when sparring. Sometimes they would go to the shooting range and practice catching an arrow on mid air. Stiles had let it slip that hunters uses bow and arrow when hunting werewolves. Clint decided to turn that against them. If Jackson could catch Clint's arrows, he can catch everybody else's. Tony made him an impenetrable helmet just to be safe.

Most of the time, Jackson glared at Clint. Sometimes he could see the werewolf laughing at something the archer said. See?!? Progress! Sometimes both of them disappear for a few hours and they came back covered in dust with Jackson scowling and Clint smirking at the way the werewolf was furiously brushing the dust off his shoulders. Stiles was curious what they were up to but Jackson just glared at him while Clint laughed harder.

Sometimes, Stiles would see Clint pat Jackson on the head or mess his hair and in those times the archer would say, "You did well." Of course Jackson shoved him off and glared but there was no real heat in them.

Steve had taken Stiles under his wing, pun intended. He spent most of his training with Steve rather than Clint who was his actual SO (Supervising Officer).

Steve had a thing for martial arts or any kind of physical attack that will require his optimum strength and body mechanics and his shield. Especially his shield. Kick boxing was Steve's favorite and by favorite, Stiles meant lethal way of making someone scream painfully. Not that Steve like making someone scream painfully. But it was kind of Steve's default fighting style and he was really proficient at it. Steve taught it to Stiles. He also taught him other fighting styles.

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