Mission 19: Unauthorized Field Work

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The Avengers weren't always there to train them. In time when they are indispensable to missions, Phil mixed them with the new recruits in the SHIELD Academy. Stiles met the agent who accompanied them back home, Agent Ward, for several times and sometimes, he sparred with him.

Agent ward had asked why they were recruited.

"Because magic. Real and Dangerous magic. SHIELD don't have intelligence on the true nature of magic. I am the most forthcoming practitioner that SHIELD knows." If there were any other, he'd be dismissed faster than he could howl. But Stiles didn't tell him that. He was painfully aware of that fact.

On weekends, Phil would bring them to the Triskelion to observe an ongoing mission, pointing what's happening for them to learn from it. Most of them were low key missions. A bit of following here and there. Some strategic planning here and there. Phil knew Stiles learned better through trial and error.

If possible, Stiles would accompany Steve on his morning runs. Just a few minutes to start his day. Steve didn't want him tired and unable to concentrate in school. But Stiles made a simple promise, he would be darned if he can't keep it.


Stiles cringed as he watched Peter hurriedly remove the spiked ball from his thigh. He shoots his web and swing to the adjacent building. He narrowly escaped Rhino's attack. This supervillain team up is effective. Peter could only swing to dodge away.

He and Jackson had been observing the hero for a while now. Once Jackson caught the unique scent of the young hero, it wasn't long before he was able to track it back to his civilian ego. Every now and then, they would see him in his Spiderman (SpiderBOY, Jackson pointed on more than one occasion) suit, swing from building to building and fighting superheroes.

Stiles tapped Jackson's shoulder. The werewolf looked at him and it didn't even take a second for Jackson to realize what's exactly on his mind. All of the Avengers are indisposed to a place his uncle only disclosed as classified. (Stiles knew because Cap told Stiles they were going to Madripor just before they left. Cap didn't need to break the rules and tell him. But frankly, he appreciates the gesture since his uncle will be with them.) Spiderman was fighting a losing battle and there won't be any Superhero back up to change the tide.

"You're going to be the death of me." Jackson said but he is already looking for an empty place to suit up.

Jackson led Stiles to an empty alley. Stiles casted a mixture of glamour and invisibility spell just to be safe.

Stiles used his magic to change his and Jackson's into a Shield uniform that Tony modified specifically for them. Stiles added a mask he magically tricked so that only he and his trusted people can remove it.

"This is a bad idea." Jackson stated, cracking his knuckles.

"I'm aware of that." Stiles said, looking at the ongoing fight. "But he needs us." Jackson nodded and both of them run to the scene.

"What's the plan?" Jackson asked.

Rhino threw a car but Spiderman manage to dodged it. Stiles cringed at the sound of the crash and screaming bodies. Right, priorities.

"Our priority is Civilian Safety. I'll create a barrier while you distract them. Then, we'll take them head on."

Jackson nodded and headed off to the fight. Stiles took a packet full of mountain ash and willed it to form a perimeter big enough to enclose the whole block. When both ends meet, it glowed and blue force field enclosed them. Everyone except the supervillains can get out of it and no one can get in either, unless he permits it. When he was done, he turned his attention to the fight. Three against 6.

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