Mission 10: Starting to Feel Like A Pack

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Phil waved goodbye at Stiles and Jackson as the ramp of the quinjet pulled up. Stiles waves manically at his uncle while Jackson shortly held his hand up.

An agent approached them. "I'm Agent Ward. Agent Coulson tasked me to escort you back to your house." He said, monotonously.

Stiles cringed at the stoic expression and promised not to become like Agent Ward.

"Dude, you can just drop us off on the ground. Once we touched down. Not from ten thousand feet above the air 'cause that would really hurt. We can find our way home." Stiles said.

"But Agent Coulson specifically said-"

"Yeah, yeah, but I bet you have a dozen more important task than 'escorting' us." Stiles cut in.

The agent frowned. "This is more important. Phil will have my head if something happened to either one of you. I hope you understand?"

Stiles and Jackson nodded. The quinjet whirred then thrummed steadily as it moved out of the hanger.

After a few minutes, they landed on top of a building. "Where are we?" Stiles asked as the ramp lowered down.

Agent Ward led them out and answered, "We are at the Triskellion. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s HQ here in New York."

"Are we allowed to know that?" Stiles asked. They got on the elevator.

"Yes. Your clearance level permits you."

"We have clearance level? But we're not agents. We aren't even training yet."

"According to my data, you two are credited as level 1." The man sounded peeved. Stiles scooted closer to Jackson just in case the man did something insane like throw him out of the window. But since Stiles like to push things until people told him to shut up or slammed them on the nearest hard surface, he asked, "What level are you?"

The man smiled toothily, "I'm level 7."

Stiles gulped. He knew from his short scouring through S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database that the highest security clearance was level 10. Agent Ward was more than what he seemed.

"Don't you think it's way under your pay grade to do escort missions?" Stiles asked.

Agent Grant smiled at Stiles, but this time it was softer, more genuine. "Yes, but this is more like paying personal favor from Phil. Besides, to Phil there is no more important mission than keeping his family and friends safe. Phil trusts me enough to get both of you safely back at home."

"Yah, that's my uncle alright." Stiles said, smiling more genuinely at the man. The elevator dinged and the door opened.

Agent Ward led them out of the building. A black Acura vehicle was already waiting for them. When he got in and leaned back, he immediately fell asleep.

Stiles must be more tired than he thought because the next thing he knew Jackson was shaking his shoulders to awaken him. His vision was blurry went he face Jackson.

"We're home." Jackson said. Stiles nodded and he literally crawled out of the car. He completely missed the judging but fond smile from the older teen. Jackson helped him out of the car. Jackson thanked Agent Ward. Stiles only managed to mumble a sleepy 'Thanks'.

Later, Stiles found himself waking up on his bed with a warm cuddly werewolf plastered all over him. With bleary eyes, Stiles watched the blonde boy sleep soundly pressed up on his chest. If he remembers it right, Jackson was sleeping on his right. However, some when in their sleep the werewolf managed to transfer on his left, seeking out his heartbeat and was lulled in a peaceful sleep.

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