Mission 17: Lay It All On Me

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School had been great. Stiles had the same class as Jackson. Every one of the them. He figures Tony has something to do with it.

It took just little convincing for Jackson's parents to let him stay in New York. They even considered moving to New York with him as soon as they find a good job vacancy. The chance for a fresh start was too good to pass up. They just want for Jackson to be happy. Jackson had even called them Mom and Dad.

Stiles tried to figure out which teenage superhero was attending their school. He has a guess but they'll have to first meet them in person before Jackson could work his werewolf senses to identify the right student.

The day was pretty much boring, No supervillain attacks. No monster calls. Stiles is a bit disappointed.

"You know a normal person don't daydream of those kind things." Jackson said. "Oh I forgot. You're not normal."

Stiles glared at him. "I don't know where all this sass is coming from and have mix feelings about it."

By the end of the school, no villains attacked and the buildings were still intact. When they got back at the tower, they ate a little snack and did their home works. It was agreed upon that their education will come first rather than their training. So they have to finish all of their homework and studies before they could train for the day.

Stiles' phone rang. Stiles signaled for a time out. He and Steve were sparring for a good fifteen minutes. Steve immediately stopped his attacks. Stiles picks up his phone lying on the bench. Scott was calling. His stomach dropped, queasy and unsettled.

"Let's break for five. I need to answer this." Stiles said. Steve nodded and take a swig from his water bottle.

"Hey, Scott. What's up?" Stiles greeted,

"Dude, where are you? I'm in your room. Are you okay?" Scott asked. Stiles heard the concern and fear in his voice.

"Scott, relax. I'm OK. I'm just not in Beacon Hills right now."

"What? Where are you?"

"I'm with my Uncle."

"Your Uncle Phil? In New York? Why? What are you doing there?"

"Dad has been really concerned with me the past few months. And with what had happened last time, it had been the last straw. He sent me here to cool down. He thinks I'm in a gang or something."

"You didn't tell him about me?"

Sometimes, Scott could be so self-centered. Sometimes, the werewolf focused solely on the things that mattered to him and ignore the other stuff happening around him. Stiles, being an independent and uncanny boy that his mother raised him to be, would run around it and compromise around Scott's ignorance because he could. Stiles could bet in full faith that Scott doesn't even have a clue of what transpired in the Argent's basement. Stiles grabbed a handful of his hair and tamed whatever ill-natured feeling he was having. He would not deal with this issue. His wounds (both literal and metaphorical) had stopped bleeding but they were too raw. Touching it would come nothing good for both of them. So instead, Stiles took a deep breath and blew the bad sentiments out of his body for the time being.

"No. It's not my secret to tell. But Dad definitely knows something is up. He's afraid that something worse will happen to me. That's why I decided to stay here."

"Dude you're leaving me?"

"No, Scott. Just for a year. Scott, you're my brother. You're stuck with me forever. But things are changing. You've changed. I, too, changed. And still changing. I'm trying to figure things out. So for now, in the meantime, I have to go... Besides, it's not like you even need me there anymore." HE didn't want the last statement to come out hard but there was no other way around it.

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