Mission 6: Civilian Heroics

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Steve was used to civilians getting caught in the middle of an attack. A year in the Avenger business had thought him that even with the whole team fighting and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents backing them up, they couldn't save all of them. But still, Steve tried and would always be trying.

So when he heard a woman screamed for help, he automatically headed to save her. Only to find a brunet teenage boy put himself between the bot and the woman and bashed the bot with his stick into flying several feet away. The woman scrambled away immediately.

For several seconds, the boy stood there seemingly amazed with what he just did and did not noticed the other bots coming his way. Steve viciously fought off the bots crowding him to get to the boy, bashing and kicking and trying to find an opening to hurl his shield toward the bot about to attack the boy. Then, a blonde boy came up behind him and pulled him away. The blonde kicked the bot with amazing strength. Steve breathed a sigh of relief, placated that the boy was out of the trouble in the meantime.

"Iron Man, let's wrap this up quickly. Cover me." Captain America barked in the line.

"Roger that, Captain Rogers!" Tony answered.

Steve begun to run toward the Doombot, Tony paved the way while Steve took down those who escaped the repulsor blasts.

"Cap, we have civilians. 8 o'clock." Hawkeye said.

Steve bashed his shield on a bot before he checked it out. It was those kids from earlier. The brunet had a wooden stick that easily destroy the robot while the blonde one had a metal rod. The brunet lead while the blonde covered his back. It was eerily familiar. It was how he and Bucky fought.

"Dammit!" Cap cursed.

"Cap, language." Tony admonished and laughed. Steve would have blushed at his words if he weren't in the middle of a battle. "Just let them. They hold better than any S.H.I.E.L.D. agent." Hawkeye huffed in the coms before an arrow shot up into the sky and separated to many shrapnel, taking out multiples shrapnel. "Of course, except, Clint. And Nat."

"Fine." Steve agreed between gritted teeth. He did not like this move at all. He hesitantly turned his back on them and faced the Doombot. "Let's get that bastard."

Steve bounded to the villain like a hellhound. The emotions running high in his veins wanted to tear it apart. They tag teamed on bringing down the Doombot and they were succeeding.

But then it intercepted Tony in midair and exploded. Steve was distantly aware of being blasted away, his thoughts focused on his teammate.

"Iron Man!" Steve shouted, around the thick cloak of dust. When his visions cleared, he saw Hulk protectively crouching over a severely injured Iron Man. The thought of Tony, his bestfriend, dying clenched his heart. He hadn't gotten over Bucky's death yet. He couldn't lose Tony. When he tried to approach, the Hulk roared angrily at him.

"Cap, stop." He heard Natasha warned in his com.

"Someone coming behind you, Cap." Clint said.

He turned and saw the brunet kid from earlier stopped beside him.

"Kid, get back. It's dangerous here!" Steve said, in his best don't-mess-with-the-Law voice. The boy just held his hands in front of his face. Steve then heard the whispered chanting.

The kid took another step but it wasn't met by a growl so he continued until he was just a few feet away. Steve held his breath as the boy talked with the Hulk, clutching his shield and body tensed ready to spring in to action if the Hulk suddenly become hostile.

Then, a miracle happened. The Hulk begun to shrink until it shifted back to a human Bruce. It had to be a miracle.

Bruce knelt there gawking while boy stripped his hoody and pressed it on the bleeding wound on Tony's abdomen. The muffled groan from Tony snapped him back to the situation and he started to manually disassemble the mangled armor.

"Who is that kid?" Hawkeye asked as he watched the medics run off from the quinjet carrying a stretcher and medical equipment. Earlier, he trained an arrow on the kid's head, ready to shoot him at any notice of hostility. "How the hell a kid like him managed to calm the Hulk?"

Black Widow was looking peeved beside him, not liking the lack of the knowledge of the kid like it personally insulted her. She was already planning to dig up everything she can find on the kid.

"What he did was dangerous. He shouldn't have been out here fighting against those robots. He's just a kid." Captain America said, trying to be emotionless and factual but everyone knew how deeply he was affected by the heroic scenario the boy pulled off. He vividly remembered his own scuffle when he was a kid before the serum. Plus, the way he fought with that blonde boy, it was far too reminiscent to how he and his bestfriend got each other's back and look where it led his bestfriend. Steve breathed in deeply, trying to drown the guilt but he couldn't.

Steve glared at the kid. Didn't he know how that blonde boy would feel if the Hulk lost control and killed him? To be left alone wondering how things might go if he stopped him from going in the first place? "I'll have a word with him later."

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