Mission 5: Again, Blame it on the Magic

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New York, the city that never sleeps, was perfect for the insomniac Stiles Stilinski. The busy streets were filled with so many things and his ADHD mind did not even know which to focus on first. Simply stated, he liked New York. There was just so much to see.

The day after Jackson arrived they decided to explore the city. Phil just had raised an eyebrow when Stiles had told him their plan for the day. Stiles suspected that Phil was reading a little too much on their relationship but his uncle, thank heaven, did not voice it out and waved them off. That would have been plenty of awkward.

Jackson insisted that they go shopping because even if they were pack, it physically pained him to watch the eye sore that was Stiles' clothing. Stiles completely disagreed and stomped stubbornly against flipping out his style. A smirk was the only warning Stiles received before Jackson hefted him on his shoulder and carried his surprised ass into a nearby store earning surprised and curious glances from the people inside.

"You already planned this, didn't you? You were just waiting until we came near this store." Stiles accused. Jackson snorted at his theory. They entered the store and Jackson put him down with a gentleness Stiles was not used to. Before they became pack, Jackson liked to bodily harm Stiles in any way possible. This change was new, but not unwelcome.

Jackson pointed a finger on Stiles who tried to get past Jackson. "You are going to stay here while I find something not atrocious for you."

"My clothes are great, I don't need new ones." Stiles protested. Jackson eyed him, not impressed. "Fine, have it your way." Stiles dropped and slumped on a chair acting like a petulant 4 year old child. Jackson laughed at his expense. Stiles stuck his tongue at him.

Jackson walked off and searched for his clothes. Stiles took out his phone. He got a message from his Dad telling him to stay safe and not bother his uncle too much. Another from Erica thanking him for what he did for her and Boyd five days ago. He sent a quick 'you're welcome' replay. Those were the only texts he received. He didn't know if he should feel disappointed that no one else contacted him. He left quietly, only his dad knew. But Scott should have checked in on him. Hasn't anyone realized I left the town? He thought after everything that had happened they would band together and somehow includes him in their group. Guess he was wrong. Again. He sighed forlornly.

"Stiles, what's wrong?" Jackson asked, pulling Stiles out of his reverie. He was frowning and eyeing him worriedly. Jackson placed the clothes he picked on the table and sat beside Stiles, hesitantly touching his shoulders. "You suddenly stink of sadness."

Stiles thought of lying to Jackson but his heart clenched at even thinking of deceiving him. Is this part of being packmates? Stiles asked himself. So he rode with his feeling and came out clean. "It's just.... nobody realized I'm gone. Even Scott, my bestfriend, didn't bother to check in on me. I thought after everything we've been through, you know... everyone will be looking out for each other. I guess I'm wrong..." Stiles trailed off and sighed, heavily.

Stiles gave Jackson a tight-lipped smile and looked down on his shoes. Jackson bit hard on his lower lip upon seeing Stiles wrecked and hopeless. Jackson was not used to do emotions. That was Danny's job, not his. He didn't know how to comfort Stiles. So Jackson slid his arm across Stiles shoulder and pulled him closer to him. Stiles looked at him, shocked at what he did. "I don't know what to say. But, starting now, you can count on me to be there when you need me because we are pack."

Stiles grabbed Jackson's hand on his shoulders and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Me too, Jax. You can count on me." Stiles felt his hands warms and his hair stood on its roots before they were zapped with electricity. He instantly let go of their hands and they pulled away from each other.

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