Chapter 88: Shooting

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We ran outside.

There were nothing but dead bodies.

"Too late..." Kunikida mumbled.


B/n walked over to a body and touched their forehead.

He pulled his hand away and sighed, "Shot."

"I don't see any bullet holes.." I walked over beside him.

He moved the man's bangs and revealed a bullet hole.

"Ranpo." B/n said.

Ranpo walked beside us and looked at the bullet hole. "Check his wallet."

B/n grabbed the man's wallet from his back pocket. "Woah.. that's a bullet hole in here too..."

"I'll check for any survivors." Akiko said.

Damnit. Why did we have to take so long?! How did they even get away on time?!

".....Are there any video cameras around?" I asked.

"Y/n, Atsushi, Dazai." Mr. Fukuzawa said, "You three are on it."

~Time Skip~
We were on the train.

I was staring out the window.

"So, Y/n." Atsushi looked at me, "F/n and B/n told me you aren't fond of that one guy..."

"Sc/n?" I asked while looking at Atsushi, "Geez, just saying his name sounds like a curse word."

"Oh, what made you hate him so much?"

"He's a complete asshole. He acts like he's on top of the world. The dumbass has been like that for as long as I can remember."

"Oh.... Sorry for asking about it.."

"No, it's fine. It's nice to say how much I hate him out loud."

The train stopped.

~Time Skip~
We walked inside the police station.

"Oh, can I help you?" The police man asked.

"We need to see video tapes in front of the Armed Detective Agency." Dazai explains.

"Oh, of course. We're working on case about it right now. Let me show you the tapes."

We walked inside a room. The man placed a video tape in the router.

The screen loaded.

It immediately ended

"The unfortunate news is every single time we play it, it just ends."

"They must've broken the cameras around..." Dazai mumbled.

"Yes." The police man said.

"Thank you for helping us." I say.

"No problem. And please inform us whenever you solve what happened."

~Time Skip~
"Is it broken?" I shout to Kenji.

He was on top of a street light while looking at the camera. "Yes. They shattered it."

He hopped down.

"All of the other cameras also?" Junichiro asked.

Kenji nodded.

B/n sighed, "We're getting no where..."

I leaned on the building and stared at the ground.

Kyouka leaned beside me and looked up at me.

"I feel like everyone in Yokohama is going to die now because of me." I sighed.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now