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I summoned you, please come to me
Don't bury thoughts that you really want
I fill you up, drink from my cup
Within me lies what you really want

----- Middle of the night by Elley Duhé


All my life I was raise to believe a life of adventure. More then anything in the world would I give it back - Lunetta

Today is the day....

where my live end.

No more walking down the lake,

running around the wood

No more feeding the duck

No more walking down to the tiny sitting on the porch of some forest, sitting down eating Pelmeni. Now I'm getting married. Being tied to someone for life

But The worse thing is,

It's not Love, Only for honour. My parents force me saying that I should be grateful that they still care about my well being. When the truth is not, the only reason I'm getting married is because my older sister Maria didn't like her fiance so mom and dad throw him on me.

Mikhail Vladimir, he's one of the Strymakt Fjerdan. Burly man,dark blonde but what catch most attention is because of the scar across his face, he said that he got that from the fight with a grisha. My sister love perfection there for betrothed to him seen disaster to her.

" Would you at least smile a bit dear sister? It wouldn't hurt one bit, just to make your face less ugly. " Lunetta decided to stay silent, no matter how much her sister like to disturb her, she know that if she decided to talk back her parent would likely scold her for talking to their most adoring daughter.

"And can you please take that hideous necklace away? I don't care where you buy it from but it is a disgusting, must be from a cheap store" her mother said while helping her with the wedding dress.

Lunetta stay silent again . As she stare at her reflection on the mirror, wearing a wedding dress a long blonde hair that was usually unruly now was curled with a flower crown on top of her hair. White roses sign of innocence and purity her favorite flower. She always dream of wearing that exact flower for someone she loves.

But now she couldn't.....

Now waiting for her father to walk her down the aisle. The house is too warm, the air heavy and still Lunetta couldn't breathe. She remembers what her mother and father said to her. "You will become a good wife"
"It will come time where you will love your husband" .

Panic beat a drum inside her chest. Her future will rush by the same as her past,only worse because there will be no freedom, only marriage to bear a child and lastly deadbed.

She have to get out, fresh air is what she need, with that she walk to the door to outside, it was cold outside, most of the house was covered by snow, but the street are clean, nothing in the way. As she walk through house to house, enjoying the scenery not knowing what would happen next time when she was tied up to someone.


A voice called out. Her father.

Her heartbeat faster, what should she ? Her mind went blank , her mind is full of confusion. Until finally she decided to run.

Running with the dress she's wearing not caring will the clothes be damaged or what, all she knows is that she doesn't want to live like this.
She could hear her name being called by her father,mother and even her own sister, but there is no time to look back as she now enter the forest.

Walking down the wood was nothing unusual for her as she mostly spent her time there with her beloved friend. Alexander

The man that she cherish dearly, her only her friend, her shoulder to cry, the man that she loves. he lives in the forest, which she knows that he makes a living by cutting and stringing wood. As she was nearing a familiar lake she starts calling out his name.

"Aleksander" "Aleksander" "Aleksander"

Feeling tired from the walk before she sat near the lake looking down at her reflection, now her curled hair become unruly again, her dress stain with mud and some the string gone loose. Pulling off her flower crown taking one by one the flower. Innocence and purity. That what she is to her parent. Easily to influence, in need of guidance, she hate that. She had her own dream, but that dream was buried because of her family expectation of her.

"Lunetta?" A voice called out

There in front of her stand a man in a black outfit, with a cloak. As she look up it is Alexander. The last time she saw him was when he told her that he decided to go for travelling.

"Aleksander" she said as she stand up, now face to face by him.

"What are you doing here?" What happen" he said as he come nearer to her. Oh how she could stare at him all day. She start telling him everything. Pouring her heart out .

" I just want to run away and never come back"

"You should be careful about what you're saying lunetta " he said in a calm voice.

" I don't care"

"I just want to have my freedom back, I-I'll do anything to get it back"

"Anything?" He said

The sky grown darker, the air gone colder From here, Lunetta realized that the Alexander who was standing in front of her now was very different from the Alexander before . Now before her stand a man with a black attires and a dark aura, chill run down her spine for the second time she gaze into his eyes and realize.

" You're a grisha?!"

° Dancing in the Moonlight  °  Aleksander Morozova Where stories live. Discover now