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God, I wish that

you had thought this through

Before I went and fell in love

with you

-- Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo

Silent fill the air

It all makes sense now....

The traveling

Never wanting to spent time in the village

That's why no one know him

I thought it was because he was young that the elders let it pass no knowing him properly

But now I know why....

"Has all this time is a game to you?" She asked. Her voice was shaking, now knowing who he is. A Grisha?!

"I never say this is a game or anything" I just don't think I in a need to tell what am i - " Aleks start saying but was cut off by Lunetta

" So what?! Are you using me this whole time? Why do you even let me live? I thought your people hate my people?

A-are you going to kill me now?!" Lunetta said as now her anger turn to fear, fearing her own life. What will he do to her?

"I guess you got the conception wrong Darling,it is your people that make my people scared!

They are the one who hunt us, they are the one who's a coward that want to kill MY PEOPLE." He said suddenly raising his voice. She could see the vein on his neck as he emphasize the word "his people "

"I never use you" suddenly his voice more calmer as he walk toward her placing a hand on her cheek. " You are very dear to me, I wouldn't hurt you" he said as he caress her cheek.

Confused, now as she stood in front of him as he caress her cheek " the only thing she could think of is how could she not notice this? Has she been too blind by his charm and his very good looking looks?

"What kind of Grisha are you?" Lunetta ask, feeling it is to silent for her liking. Even though calming at the same time. She was supposed to run and find a hideout,her parents and the villager are surely not so far behind.

" I am the Darkling, I summon the Shadow " but you must know that I wouldn't hurt you. I am your friend and also I could help you". He said now feeling a dark atmosphere around her. Scared wasn't the question more like she want to know how he could help her? In what way?

" How could you help me?" Her voice began to silent. She has no way back now. Either go back to her parents and get married to a man surely be making her life miserable or let Aleksander help her...

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He ask in a mocking way. " You will owe me for a very.. very long time."

"Now, are you sure of what you ask"? I will not take back my word I will help you but I need some else. He said now walking in circle around her.

She could feel her heart pounding loudly, her breath unusually become heavier. She is sure now is where she have to make the decision that will forever change her life.

" I want it " She said in a firm voice.

The shadow become more closer, A smile came across his face. He was pulling out something, he walk closer to her and pull her to him. Warming her with his embrace as he place something to her.

He place a kiss on her lip, in a way that lovers do. She could feel his heartbeat, it is steady and calming. She feel light headed and then her vision darken as she falling...




A voice have wake her up. Now scanning the room she was in her room. her house. With her sister on her side.

"Finally you're awake! gosh now we can start the wedding"

That word rings in her ear, she couldn't believe it. She thought that Aleksander is going to help her? Has he betray her? Knock her out and bring her back to her family?!

Anger is what she feel, how could he? She could feel something building up inside of her. " I don't want to get married"

"What" suddenly both of her parent enter the room.

" I don't want to marry Mikhail Vladimir. I don't care about the honour I could get from marrying him. I want to have my own freedom, I want an-" she was stop. By a slap from her mother.

"How could you say that?! You stupid girl ! Do you have any idea how much effort we put for you ??

"Is it because of a boy?" Her sister ask. "You always mumble a guy name sometimes in the night, Aleksander if I'm correct. Seriously when you married Mikhail you will forgot about who ever he is". Maria said as she started pulling Lunetta with their parents behind her to the ceremony. All Luneeta could think is what why is this happening to her?

"NOO" suddenly she screams, she cannot take it anymore. Why can her parent let her do what she want? Then something caught her eye. There's a fire? How? What actually strange is the fire burn across the walls of the house-



"You are no daughter of mine"

that what her father said to her, looking at her sister and her mother just to see them look at her with horror in their eyes as if I've become someone different in a blink of an eye. Now the once the silent place become chaos.

Suddenly the villager were there, even Mikhail now looking determine to kill her. Anxious is what she's feeling. How could she not? Suddenly having a power like a grisha, fire?

"Kill her"

"Devil spawn"

"Get rid of her before she do something worse" that word was the last thing she heard before suddenly, someone was holding her, forcefully . As she tried to move around to free herself,she spot her father.

There her father stood with a knife in his hand. Ready to kill her.

Panic all she could feel. But suddenly the person behind her start screaming. Now looking her hand there's fire in her hand. This is her chance.

She start throwing her hand in the air pushing fire everywhere making the crowd open so that she has a way out. Everywhere she could her screaming, chaos was happening behind her back, people trying to find a way to save themselves. She did not have the heart to look back. She run run and run not caring what happen back there.

After climbing through the hill where she feel save she finally look back. There behind her, the home that she ever know, her childhood memories burn to ashes as scream and smoke fill the sky. There's nothing she could do....

There is no way back. This is what of her now...

Then she run again

Author note :

Hiii guys, I hope you enjoy today story. Please tell me what you think about this on the comment I appreciate it. Thank you 😍

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