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"you cannot run from you destiny, for you are mine to have only..."  -- Aleksander Morozova

"Or should I call you General Kirigan? That is what you are known right?"

He chuckled. Grinning as he walk up to her, closer with each step. Finally he stop in front of her. Leaning in to her face

"You know you could just call me Aleksander, you always have...
Or do you prefer to call me that in other occasion?" His voice echoes to her ear. It sound alluring.

Inviting .....

" Stop with the nonsense talk" she snap. "I will ask you again, what are you doing in my house Aleksander?" She said as she move backward. Away from him, now the further she move from him she see him in his signature black kefta. The only that changes from him was face, it become more......

Gorgeous..... He was a charming man then but now as she take in his appearance in front of her. She could feel her breath unusually audible,even in the dark of the night he could always take her breath away.

"Are you done admiring me with you eyes my dear Lunetta? He said smirking. He know how much he affect her... He know everything about her, inside and out.

"What are you here for?" Lunetta couldn't stand it, this is torturing her. She didn't like it when he visit, her heart is beating faster, her face feels warmer.

" Today is a full moon, it's our anniversary don't tell me you forgot about it?"

Every full moon Aleksander will always come to meet her, how does he meet Lunetta? Effortlessly, with the necklace. The necklace he place on her neck at the night where he changed her life. that necklace that she was wearing is connected to her which allows Alexander to meet her whenever he wants.

" It is our anniversary, I just want to enjoy it with you, now will you dance with me " it was not a question she know, this is what it is. This is his way of meeting her. Charming her with his touch as he spun her around. Whispering sweet talk, caressing her waist as he waltz her around the room.

"Shall we dance?"  he asked again

She  nodded as she took his hand and is now twirled by him into his arms.

They fell in step, letting their body sway. Even in the dark only with the moon shining the room . It was peaceful. Both of them. Him and her, alone.

Her emerald eyes glistened, and a smile spread across her beautiful face.

Uncontrollable feelings surged through his body, and his fingers tingles in delight. His hand brushed across her cheek. His body was acting on its own, no chains to hold him back from this pure paradise.

As Aleksander drew her close to his chest, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Suddenly her golden locks fell over her eyes, like a curtain blocking out the sunlight. He had the desired to see those emerald eyes.

She began to withdraw her hand to brush away her hair, but his hand clutched onto hers. He carefully laid her soft delicate hand on his shoulder. He delicately tucked her lock behind her ear, and her emerald eyes twinkled back at him in greeting.

Her lips went to his ear as she whispered  softly.

“You know how to be romantic don't you? Aleksander.”

She set her head on his shoulder. They continued to dance, too lost in the moment to stop. Time passed quickly yet still for them it wasn't enough .

Time was never emerge in their mind

She brought her head up and sleepily opened her eyes. She leaned in and planted her lip on his. Aleksander wrapped his arms around her neck in return and held her tight as the kiss continued.

Author note :
Tell me what you think about this chapter😅 this one took longer that the last chapter because I keep on changing the scenario or get lost in it somehow making myself confuse . But it's all worth it, made this one just by listening to A darkling playlist 👀

Here itt iss🤣🤣 for those of you who is reading this book I recommend you guys to listen with this playlist

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Here itt iss🤣🤣 for those of you who is reading this book I recommend you guys to listen with this playlist.

Have a lovely dayy ❤️

° Dancing in the Moonlight  °  Aleksander Morozova Where stories live. Discover now