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— Chapter 15
I'm all out of salt

I'm not gonna cry

Won't give you what you want

'Cause I look way too good tonight

I'm all out of salt

Tears are running dry

Won't give you what you want

'Cause I look way too good tonight
– Salt by Ava Max

'Cause I look way too good tonight– Salt by Ava Max

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It was easily the worst night for both Alina and Lunetta's life. Alina’s coat was soaked through. Lunetta's feet were numb in her boots.

Their  money pouch was gone. At least Lunetta still had a knife and was still safely sheathed at her hip.

Sometime near dawn, Alina let herself summon a little sunlight to dry her boots and warm both their  hands. 

  Lunetta awoke to the pounding of my heart and the sounds of movement in the woods around her. They had fallen asleep slumped against the base of a tree, hidden—she hoped—behind the copse of bushes.

From where she sat, she could see no one,but she could hear voices in the distance.

She hesitated, frozen in place, unsure of what to do. If she moved, she would risk giving away their position, but if she stayed silent, it would only be a matter of time before they found them.

Her heart began to race as the sounds grew closer. Through the leaves, she glimpsed a stocky, bearded soldier.

He had a rifle in his hands, but she knew there was no chance that they would kill Alina.she was too valuable. It gave her an advantage, not Lunetta….

The worst thing they can do is return her to the Darkling.The thought came to me with sure and sudden clarity. She won’t go back.

She woke Alina up to alert the situation. Alina  flicked her wrist and a mirror slid into her left hand.

Lunetta  pulled out her knife, feeling the weight of Grisha steel in her palm. Silently, she drew herself into a crouch and waited, listening.

She was frightened, but she was surprised to find that some part of her felt eager.

Alina watched the bearded soldier through the leaves, circling closer until he was
just feet from them.

She could see a bead of sweat trickling down his neck, the morning light gleaming off his rifle barrel, and for a moment, she thought he might be looking right at her.

° Dancing in the Moonlight  °  Aleksander Morozova Where stories live. Discover now