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— Chapter 18

Don't blame me, love made me crazy

If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right

Lord, save me, my drug is my baby

I'll be usin' for the rest of my life

Don't blame me, love made me crazy

If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right

Oh, Lord, save me, my drug is my baby

I'll be usin' for the rest of my life

Don’t Blame me by Taylor swift

Don’t Blame me by Taylor swift

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It feels just like the first time again…

The skiff shuddered and began to slide over the grass and into the eerie black mist of the Fold. Three Summoners raised their arms and the great sails snapped
forward, swelling with wind.

The first time she’d entered the Fold, Lunetta feared the darkness and my own death. Now, darkness was nothing to her, and she knew that soon death would seem like a gift.

The General stared ahead, radiating confidence and ease. The sun flickered and began to disappear from view. A moment later, we were in darkness.

For a long while, they drifted in the black, the Grisha Squallers driving the skiffs forward over the sand.

Then, the Darkling’s voice rang out. “Burn.”

Huge clouds of flame burst from the Inferni on either side of the skiff, briefly illuminating the night sky. The ambassadors and even the guards around them
stirred nervously. He was announcing their location, calling the volcra directly to them.

It didn’t take long for them to answer, and a tremor ran up Alina’s spine as she heard the distant beat of leathery wings. She felt fear spread through the passengers on the skiff and heard the Fjerdans begin to pray in their lilting tongue. In the flare of Grisha fire, Alina saw the dim shapes of dark bodies flying toward them. The volcras’ shrieks split the air.

The guards reached for their rifles. Someone began to weep. But still the General waited as the volcra drew closer.

When they were almost upon them, the Darkling gripped Alina’s arm and simply
said, “Now.”

° Dancing in the Moonlight  °  Aleksander Morozova Where stories live. Discover now